Homework Help for English

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The language of England, widely used around the world as a language for business and communications.

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in English·
3 Jul 2023

INSTRUCTIONS: Review the questions from each section below. You can answer the questions in your mind or you can use the space provide after each question to write out your thoughts.

Use “I am” and “I have” statements to respond to each question related to who you are in 5 years. Once you've answered the questions, take all the information, and combine it into one clear Vision Statement of who you are.

Your Vision Statement is due by 5pm. Submit it as a PDF file.

** NOTE - You are not required to answer all questions, they are to help you build your Vision Statement. **

What life do you envision for yourself 5 years down the road?


What does your job/business look like?

How many weeks are you working throughout the year? I am How much money are you making annually in your job? I have How many hours are you working each week? I am

What awards or promotions have you received?

What major accomplishments have you completed?


What does your tribe look like? Who do you surround yourself with? What activities are you doing with them?

How do the people you surround yourself with contribute to your life and how are you contributing to theirs?

What events or masterminds are you going to and what are you looking forward to learning and improving in by attending them?

How often are you volunteering or donating (time or money) to charities and causes you’re passionate about?


What do your relationships look like with?

Your family, friends, spouse/partner, employees, colleagues, social circle

Who are your mentors?

Who are you mentoring?

Who do you need to meet or be around to achieve your 5 year vision?


How much money do you have available in your checking/savings account? How much money do you have in your retirement accounts?

What kind of retirement accounts are you investing in?

What is your current Net Worth?

How much passive income are you making from your investments? What are you investing in for passive income?

What skills or disciplines have you mastered to improve your wealth?

Do you have an estate plan, trust, or will to protect your wealth?


What kind of car are you driving?

What kind of house are you living in? Where is it located? What does it look like inside?

How many weeks are you traveling? With whom? To where?

What bucket list adventures have you checked off?

What special gift(s) have you bought yourself or given to others?

What are you most looking forward to accomplishing in the coming years with your lifestyle goals?


What does your daily routine look like?

What is your ideal weight and body fat%? How often are you working out or exercising? What kind of activities are you doing?

Describe how you take care of your emotional wellness being?

Do you meditate? How often?

How are you managing your spiritual health or faith?

How does your body look and feel?

INSTRUCTIONS: Now that you have a clear picture and can visualize how you would like your dream life to look in 5 years’ time, take time to write out your vision in more detail. The clearer you see your vision, the easier it will be to make it a reality. Bring this vision to life by writing it out in story format as if it is already happening. Use “I am” and “I have” statements.


in English·
3 Jul 2023

INSTRUCTIONS: Review the questions from each section below. You can answer the questions in your mind or you can use the space provide after each question to write out your thoughts.

Use “I am” and “I have” statements to respond to each question related to who you are in 5 years. Once you've answered the questions, take all the information, and combine it into one clear Vision Statement of who you are.

Your Vision Statement is due by 5pm. Submit it as a PDF file.

** NOTE - You are not required to answer all questions, they are to help you build your Vision Statement. **

What life do you envision for yourself 5 years down the road?


What does your job/business look like?

How many weeks are you working throughout the year? I am How much money are you making annually in your job? I have How many hours are you working each week? I am

What awards or promotions have you received?

What major accomplishments have you completed?


What does your tribe look like? Who do you surround yourself with? What activities are you doing with them?

How do the people you surround yourself with contribute to your life and how are you contributing to theirs?

What events or masterminds are you going to and what are you looking forward to learning and improving in by attending them?

How often are you volunteering or donating (time or money) to charities and causes you’re passionate about?


What do your relationships look like with?

Your family, friends, spouse/partner, employees, colleagues, social circle

Who are your mentors?

Who are you mentoring?

Who do you need to meet or be around to achieve your 5 year vision?


How much money do you have available in your checking/savings account? How much money do you have in your retirement accounts?

What kind of retirement accounts are you investing in?

What is your current Net Worth?

How much passive income are you making from your investments? What are you investing in for passive income?

What skills or disciplines have you mastered to improve your wealth?

Do you have an estate plan, trust, or will to protect your wealth?


What kind of car are you driving?

What kind of house are you living in? Where is it located? What does it look like inside?

How many weeks are you traveling? With whom? To where?

What bucket list adventures have you checked off?

What special gift(s) have you bought yourself or given to others?

What are you most looking forward to accomplishing in the coming years with your lifestyle goals?


What does your daily routine look like?

What is your ideal weight and body fat%? How often are you working out or exercising? What kind of activities are you doing?

Describe how you take care of your emotional wellness being?

Do you meditate? How often?

How are you managing your spiritual health or faith?

How does your body look and feel?

in English·
3 Jul 2023

The following life skill assignment will touch on an essential aspect of professional development focused on exploring insight to improve your “soft skills” such as leadership, teamwork, communication, and self-determination. Ultimately needed to build your professional capacity. Please watch the video link below for key information used to complete the questionnaire.

Watch YouTube’s After Skool video entitled, Millennials in the Workforce at the following link (12:34)

 Complete the questionnaire below (submit a copy to your Employment Specialist) Questionnaire

1) _________________ as a generation which is a group of people who were born approximately 1984 and after are tough to manage and they’re accused of being entitled and narcissistic.

2) Due to the difficulty leaders are having managing millennials it is causing leaders to ask millennials what do they want? Please identify three (3) things the video shares millennials want.

 1 _______________________________________________

 2 _______________________________________________

 3 _______________________________________________

3) Why millennials are still struggling in the workforce. The video share four (4) characteristics please list below

 1 ____________________________________

 2 ____________________________________

 3 ____________________________________

 4 ____________________________________

4) Millennials graduate from school and they are thrust into the real world and in an instant they find out they’re not special. Their mom can’t get them a promotion. That you get nothing for coming in last and by the way you can’t just have it because you want it. Because of this realization in an instant their entire self-images is shattered and so you have an entire generation that is growing up with _____________________ than previous generations.

5) Because we are allowing unfettered access to _______________ producing devices and media it’s basically becoming hardwired and addictive. Thus what we are seeing is as kids grow older to many kids don’t know how to form __________________________________. They will admit that many of their friendships are _______________.

6) We know that people who spend more time on Facebook suffer higher rates of ________________ than people who spend less time on Facebook.

7) Everything you want you can have instantaniously. Everything you want... Instant gratification. Except ______________________ and _____________________________.

8) What this generation needs to practice is ________________.

9) The video concludes with the narrator of the video explaining that millennials current condition is not their fault. And suggest that it’s the ____________________, it’s the total lack of good _________________ in our world today that is making them feel the way they do.

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