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Browse the full collection of course materials, past exams, study guides and class notes for BIS 2B - Introduction to Biology: Principles of Ecology and Evolution at University of …
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Mark Schwartz; Sharon Strauss
Laci Gerhart-Barley

Verified Documents for Mark Schwartz; Sharon Strauss

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Lyme Disease, Borrelia, Environmentalism
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Lyme Disease, Conservation Biology, Zoonosis
Ecology : the study of interactions among organisms and their environment. Goal: determine the biological and physical factors that determine the distr
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Lyme Disease, Environmentalism, Quadrat
Study of interactions between organisms and environ. Goal is to determine biological / physical factors that determine distribution & abundance of spec
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Lyme Disease, Species Evenness, Species Richness
Key: black: broad topics blue: main detail green: definitions red: examples. What is ecology: the study of interactions among organisms and their envir
BIS 2B Lecture 1: bis 2b lecture 1
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Conservation Biology, Environmental Factor
Bis 2b lecture #1 - intro to ecology and evolution. The study of interactions between organisms and their environment; the goal being to determine the
BIS 2B Lecture 1: BIS 2B Discussion 1
BIS 2B Lecture 1: BIS2C Lecture 1: Introduction to the Tree Of Life
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Cannibalism, Golden Toad, Greenland Ice Sheet
Bis 2b - introduction to biology (lecture/lab/discussion) diff. Office hours: wed. 1:30-3:00 1089 sciences lab building (aka the blc) Office hours: mon
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Species Problem, Carl Linnaeus, Thermal Equator
No single definition can be apply to every group of organisms. But one way we categorized species is called morphological species concept. Morphologica
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Carl Linnaeus, Binomial Nomenclature, Cool Air
No single definition to apply to all types. But every naturalists has that feeling of understanding. Most can agree that: separately evolving lineage t
BIS 2B Lecture 2: BIS2C Lecture 2:Tree Concepts i
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Hadley Cell, Thermal Equator, Isthmus Of Panama
Morphological species : individuals that are grouped into species based on their similar physical appearance. Works well when each species" characteris
BIS 2B Lecture 2: Bis002B
Is a species? no definition of species fits every organism. Morphological species - individuals are species because grouped they. Into look alike binom
BIS 2B Lecture 3: Lecture 3 Notes Functional Diversity pg 5
BIS 2B Lecture 3: pg 2 lec 3
BIS 2B Lecture 3: pg 1 lec 3
BIS 2B Lecture 3: Lecture 3 Functional Diversity pg 4
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Great American Interchange, Isthmus Of Panama, Oceanic Trench
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: C3 Carbon Fixation, C4 Carbon Fixation, Stoma
Functional diversity: adaptations of organisms to their environment. Functional diversity: acquiring resources, defence against predators, life histori
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Great American Interchange, Isthmus Of Panama, Oceanic Trench
Continue from last lecture similar fossils across different continents vicariance. Wallace"s line = biotic interchange and its limits there"s a line ri
BIS 2B Lecture 3: pg 3 lec 3
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Allopatric Speciation, Speciation, Sugarcane
Many fossils of the same species were found in different continents which. October 1, 2018 suggest that the land masses were once conjoined (pangaea).
BIS 2B Lecture 3: BIS 2B Lecture 3
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Stoma, Chlorophyll, Succulent Plant
Wallace"s line : deep ocean trench that divides two regions of the archipelago and creates a great contrast in the biodiversity that has prevented biol
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Thermoregulation, Melanin, Cannibalism
So continuing from unit 3 about ectotherms and endotherms, we now discuss why it"s important to maintain body temperature. The shape of the enzyme depe
BIS 2B Lecture 4: BIS 2B Lecture 4
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Filter Feeder, Archerfish, Symbiosis
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Camouflage, Arctic Circle, Ecological Niche
E(cid:458)ample:2(cid:268)o(cid:401)al: s(cid:459)m(cid:267)iont- li(cid:452)e in, (cid:453)ith, o(cid:401) on anothe(cid:401) o(cid:401)(cid:307)anism
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Exponential Growth, Carrying Capacity, Logistic Function
Factors influencing whether a population grows or shrinks. Exponential growth and how we write that mathematically. Factors that influence population g
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Cannibalism, Stoma, Transpiration
Ectotherms rely on morphological and behavioral mechanisms of temp. regulation. Endotherms also regulate body temp using behavioral mechs, but they jus
BIS 2B Lecture 5: BIS 2B Lecture 5
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Avocado, Cannibalism, Stoma
Shape of an en yme depends on its temp. En ymes have optimal temperatures in which they work most efficiently. )e maintain our body temperature so that
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Life Table, Survivorship Curve, Demographic Transition
: the study of vital statistics (birth, death) of a population and how they vary with. Continuing from unit 6, we now talk about how we can estimate r
BIS 2B Lecture 6: BIS 2B Notes - Lecture 6
Population - a group of individuals of the same species that can interbreed. Population density - number of individuals per unit area. Usually refer nu
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Exponential Growth, Logistic Function, Negative Number
Population: number of individuals of the same species in a given time and place (from a evolutionary standpoint: interbreeding) Population density: num
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Catastrophism, Comparative Anatomy, Exponential Growth
A lot about the mechanisms of theory of evolution by natural selection and evidence that. Tiny bit about alternative ideas to evolution by process of n
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Logistic Function, Exponential Growth, Habitat Destruction
Is a constant representing the per capita growth rate. It is also called the intrinsic rate of increase. For an exponentially growing population, the p
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Logistic Function, Life Table, Reaction Rate Constant
Dn/dt = rn nt = n0ert r = constant that represents oer capita growth rate / aka intrinsic rate of increase. Growth rate constant and density independen
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Carl Linnaeus, Georges Cuvier, James Hutton
Theory of evolution foundations of the theory (what darwin had to work with) two insights: Carolus linnaeus created latin binomial naming system classi
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Exponential Growth, Selective Breeding, Catastrophism
Be able to categorize leading thinkers of the day on their view on evolution. The fossil record shows changes over time within particular locations- Bo
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: James Hutton, Paleontology, Exponential Growth
Learning goals: understand the history of evolutionary belief, know how to categorize the leading thinkers and their view on evolution, cuvier, lamarck
BIS 2B Lecture 9: BIS 2B BIO LECTURE 9
In order for natural selection to drive evolution: Individuals must reproduce to form the next generation. We need to have multiple generations of orga
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Heredity, Blending Inheritance, Gregor Mendel
10/15 continue natural selection, start midterm 2 lectures diff. Office hours: wed. 1:30-3:00 1089 sciences lab building (aka the blc) Office hours: mo
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Punnett Square, Mendelian Inheritance, Gamete
Each gamete contains only one factor, but zygote contains two - the zygote is produced from fusion of two gametes. When any individual produces gametes
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Punnett Square, Gamete, Zygote
Mendel"s inference from the results of monohybrid crosses: (pollen/sperm or egg) contains only one factor , but the zygote contains two - the zygote is
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Allele Frequency, Quantitative Genetics, Probability Distribution
Locus 1- where or not color is expressed: expression is dominant, hence all individuals carrying two c alleles show no pigment. Locus 2- what color is
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Mendelian Inheritance, Allele Frequency, Tyrosinase
Yes, most traits are polygenic with environ effects on expression. Nilsson-ehle (1909): effects of multiple loci on wheat chaff color. 3 loci (a, b, a)
BIS 2B Lecture 12: Problems to HW Deviation
Rryy rryy rryy: you have a self-compatible plant that exhibits three traits: flower color (yellow - y); leaf shape (entire -e); and seed shape (round -
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Dihybrid Cross, Allele Frequency, Genotype Frequency
Imagine that you have three loci, each has two alleles that sort independently: yellow/green (y/y) peas; smooth/wrinkled (ss) peas; purple flowers/whit
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Allele Frequency, Gene Flow, Malaria
Mutations rare on a per locus basis usually deleterious point or chromosomal, multiple forms of each integral for evolution. If as heterozygosity confe
BIS 2B Lecture 13: Gene Flow to Natural Selection, Discussion 4
Point or chromosomal, multiple forms of each (no need to know) integral for evolution. Movement of alleles into or out of pop. Each locus in gamete has
BIS 2B Lecture 14: Natural Selection and Genetics
Midterm #2 = november 14 content: 10/15 lecture 9 - 11/9 lecture 20, plus all the discussion in between. Problem sets for mendelian and pop. genetics g
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Stabilizing Selection, Birth Weight, Heritability
Case studies of natural selection in action finches : weather event (hard selection event) Bumpus" caused extreme mortality small birds preferentially
BIS 2B Lecture 15: Sexual Selection
Continue from last section: cooperation - kin selection: (relatedness x benefits) > costs. Altruism: benefit to self > cost to self. When decidin
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: White Feathers, Allele Frequency, Kin Selection
: benefit to self > cost to self. Theme of today"s lecture: if natural selection acts on random mutations that occur at low frequencies, Yet paleontolo
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Species Problem, Ecological Speciation, Speciation
BIS 2B Lecture 16: BIO
Natural selection: the differential contribution of offspring to the next generation by individuals (and their genotypes) belonging to a population. Se
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Anagenesis, Cladogenesis, Phylogenetic Tree
Anagenesis - (put that words roots to good use) "the act of up/back/again producing" / one path of changing form, within-lineage change. Nat select + r
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Anagenesis, Phylogenetic Tree, Cladogenesis
Creation of species does not always include isolation and bifurcation. Time can result in accumulated changes such that individuals in the present woul
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Logistic Function, Functional Response, Exponential Growth
11/5 interspecific interactions - intro plus predation diff. Intraspecific = interactions between members of same species. Determine distribution and a
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Herbivore, Commensalism, Conditionality
Building from what we know about single species and layering on interactions with other species Learn how we classify different types of species intera
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Myxoma Virus, Interspecific Competition, Chromosome
If interspecific interaction affect fitness, then they can be agents of nat select. favored traits = better survivability reproduction. Unfavored trait
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Interspecific Competition, Allopatric Speciation, Character Displacement
Organisms with favored traits survive better and reproduce more than those without these traits and thus leave more offspring (this leads to adaptive e
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Interspecific Competition, Character Displacement, Commensalism
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Commensalism, Conditionality
To fix approach to character displacement, experimentally manipulate which individuals are being exposed to competition in which kinds of environments
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Zygosity, Exponential Growth, Reproductive Isolation
Remember this: p q p pp = p2 q pq pq qq = q2. Hw equilibrium equation: q2 + 2pq + p2. If at hw equilibrium, we expect 2 * p * q for heterozygous with s
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Propagule, Pioneer Species, Species Pool
Lecture 21: succession and food webs communities - collections of species in same place. > who arrives at the location and interacts. > compositi
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 22: Primary Production, Ecological Speciation, Niche Differentiation
Number of species in a region function of ecological and evolutionary processes speciation + dispersal (immigration) - extinction (local or global) + e
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Sequoia Sempervirens, Shrubland, Competitive Exclusion Principle
Water limitation causes vegetation to be limited in photosynthetic output / primary production / growth. Dry vegies, warm temps, low humidity " flammab
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Green Algae, Nitrogen Cycle, Eutrophication
Eutrophication can cause green algal growth; too much p can cause impaired surface water quality, ocean dead zones, limits to freshwater productivity c
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 25: Ocean Acidification, Exponential Decay, List Of Knot Terminology
I was a couple seconds late to class diff. Continue from last lecture: carbon in ocean " ocean acidification. Primary decomposers of dead animals and p
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 26: Paleozoic, Permian, Cellular Respiration
Oxygen the first time o2 appeared, it was poisonous to anaerobic prokaryotes, but they evolved ability to metabolize it. Advantages: aerobic metabolism
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 27: Homo Erectus, Neanderthal, Anthropocene
Professor will provide dates, periods, events (about 10), and we match period to age in order. Continue from last lecture: climate change driven by con
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 27: Controlled Burn, Plate Tectonics, Allopatric Speciation
Over simplified solution sets to wildfires (part that will be test material) Get better at stopping wildfire: idea: ?, challenge: we don"t have any goo
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 28: Phosphorus Cycle, Denitrification, Nitrification
It is estimated that 1 kg of phosphorus can result in the growth of 360-700 kg"s of green algae. Phosphorus goes through organic cycle and is deposited
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 28: Niche Differentiation, Decomposer, Lignin
12/7 review for the final, the last lecture. How do r and k selected species relate to succession? r selected colonize the area, can reproduce a lot, d
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 29: Lignin, Decomposer, Permafrost
Excess carbon going into the ocean and why it"s a big issue . Carbon dioxide interacts with water to form carbonic acid - this carbonic acid reduces th
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 30: Cellular Respiration, Paleozoic, Extinction Event
Lecture 30 (look at textbook (24. 1) to track lecture subjects) Hadean, 4. 5-4. 6 billion years ago- life not yet present. Archean, 3. 8 billion years
BIS 2B Lecture Notes - Lecture 31: Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis, Homo Erectus, Neanderthal
List of provided dates, periods, and events that you will need to know. Be able to match the event to the period and the age and put them in order. Afr