13 Dec 2019

1. Which protein sources have a complete amino acid profile (have all essential amino acids in the needed proportions)?

A. Single plant-derived proteins (beans, lentils, etc.).

B. Single sources of neither animal nor plant derived proteins are complete.

C. Single sources of either plant- or animal-derived proteins.

D. Single animal-derived protein sources (meat, dairy, etc.).

2. Where does the body store extra protein as a reserve for future use?

A. The body does not have a dedicated reserve of protein.

B. In the liver with glycogen.

C. In adipose cells.

D. In the pancreas.

3. Which is true of amino acids used to build body proteins?

A. Only 1 out of 20 is an essential nutrient--the body cannot synthesize it.

B. None of the 20 are essential nutrients--the body can synthesize all of them.

C. 9 out of 20 are essential nutrients--the body cannot synthesize them.

D. All 20 are essential nutrients--the body cannot synthesize them.

4. The process used by the body to make glucose from non-carbohydrates is called

A. the electron transport chain.

B. the TCA cycle.

C. gluconeogenesis.

D. ketosis.

5. Which pathway extracts more energy from a given fuel molecule?

A. The aerobic and anaerobic pathways extract the same amount of energy.

B. The aerobic pathway extracts more.

C. The anaerobic pathway extracts more.

6. Which body cells always or sometimes carry out the anaerobic energy extraction pathway?

A. Brain cells and muscle cells.

B. Skin cells and muscle cells.

C. Red blood cells and muscle cells.

D. Red blood cells and brain cells.

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
17 Dec 2019
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