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Browse the full collection of course materials, past exams, study guides and class notes for PSYC 102 - Introduction to Developmental, Social, Personality, and Clinical Psychology …
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Toni Schmader
Simon Lolliot
Benjamin Cheung, Simon Lolliot
Eva Zysk
Tanya Schmader

Verified Documents for Benjamin Cheung, Simon Lolliot

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Flowchart
Psyc 102 lecture 2 introduction to the class. *went over syllabus and expectations of the class. The goal of this course is to teach you to think about
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Design Of Experiments, Standard Deviation, Data Analysis
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Wilhelm Wundt, James Hutton, Behaviorism
In 1879 wilhelm wundt at the university of leipzig started the first laboratory that studied the psychology in its earliest forms. The idea of material
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Random Assignment, Internal Validity, Standard Deviation
Psyc 102 lecture 5 cont"d from last lecture and research methods ii and ethics. Variable 2 but the opposite could also be true. Furthermore, it is poss
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Theory Of Multiple Intelligences, Scientific Theory, Developmental Psychology
Contrast 4 main theories of int: spearman"s g, thurstone"s primary mental abilities, cattell"s 2 types of int, sternberg"s triarchic theory, gardner"s
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Parenting Styles, Object Permanence, Habituation
4 theories of development: psychosexual, psychosocial, cognitive, moral. Assimilation: fitting new experiences into our current understanding (schema)
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Aron Ralston, Anorectic, Orexigenic
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Visual Acuity, Animism, Depth Perception
Developmental psychologists study the physical, cognitive, and social changes throughout a person"s lifespan. Three issues that cannot be concluded for
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Habituation
Psych 102 lecture 11 development: theory of mind iclicker: What is theory of mind: the ability to reason about thoughts, the ability to reason about fe
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Harry Harlow, Mary Ainsworth, Trolley Problem
How nature and nurture cause attachment styles to differ. Discuss how feelings can guide our moral judgments. The strong emotional connection we share
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Leon Festinger, Cognitive Dissonance, Social Cognition
Social cognition: the attitude formation and attribution theory. Is related to memory and biases which helps to explain how people think about themselv
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Central Nervous System, Efferent Nerve Fiber, Somatic Nervous System
Psyc 102 lecture 14 biological basis of behaviour. The study of parts and function of neurons. Terminal buttons (also called end uttons, terminal branc
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Ultimatum Game, Reciprocal Altruism, Deindividuation
Psych 102 lecture 15 social psychology: cooperation and groups. The study of the causes and consequences of sociality. There are notable social psychol
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Stereotype Threat, Subtyping
Physical appearance plays a powerful role in attraction. Walster et al (1996): physical appearances was the only attribute that reliably influenced att
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Arachnophobia, Agoraphobia
Psychological disorders are disorders usually associated with the mind and is linked in many way to neuroscience as many times there are scientific rea
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Hans Selye, Sympathetic Nervous System, Cortisol
Stress is part of our daily lives and everyone will experience this at one point in their lives. There are different types of stressors such as mental
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Aaron T. Beck, Learned Helplessness, Psychosis
Drugs that increase levels of norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain can reduce depression. Perhaps due to lack of these neurotransmitters in the br
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Autism Spectrum, Conduct Disorder, Schizophrenia
Psychological disorders: depressive, psychotic, and childhood disorders con"t. First episode typically occurs in late adolescence or early adulthood. D
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 22: Erogenous Zone, Phallic Stage, Genital Stage
Freud viewed what we were aware of at any time (conscious level) as only the tip of the iceberg (20%) Beneath this level was the vast majority of our c
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Bertram Forer, Paul E. Meehl, American Psychologist
Psyc 102 lecture 23 biological and cognitive psychology. 1948, psychologist bertram forer gave a personality test to his students. He then gave his stu
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Seasonal Affective Disorder, Panic Disorder, Bipolar Disorder
St. john"s wort strong antidepressant elevates mood in individuals with mild to moderate depression not recommended for individuals with severe depress
PSYC 102 Lecture 25: PSYCH 102 Lecture 25 Effectiveness of treatments
Explain research methods used in treatment studies. Explain the criteria used to determine a treatment"s effectiveness. People have the tendency to ret
PSYC 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 26: Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor, Joseph Wolpe, Aaron T. Beck