
106) A fertilized egg must embed in this organfor pregnancy to occur.

A) vagina

B) uterus

C) ovaries

D) myometrium

E) oviduct

107) The opening of the uterus is referred toas

A) the endometrium.

B) the oviduct.

C) the cervix.

D) the fimbriae.

E) the clitoris.

108) When the oocyte is released from theovary, it is transported to the uterus by the

A) fimbriae.

B) flagella.

C) oviduct.

D) ductus deferens.

E) endometrium.

109) Prior to the onset of lactation, themammary glands are prepared for the production of milk by

A) the hormonal action of estrogen andprogesterone.

B) the completion of ovulation.

C) degeneration of the corpus luteum.

D) deactivation of FSH, LH and GnRH.

E) synthesis of FSH.

110) Which of the stages in the diagramabove occurs due to a surge of LH midway through the ovariancycle?

A) A

B) B

C) C

D) D

E) E

111) Which of the stages in the diagram abovedegenerates if the fertilized egg does not embed in the uterus?

A) A

B) B

C) C

D) D

E) E

112) At the beginning of each ovarian cycle,which of the following hormones causes the development of a primaryoocyte?

A) estrogen


C) prolactin

D) progesterone


113) If pregnancy does occur, a layer oftissue from the embryo called the chorion begins to secrete thehormone

A) GnRH.

B) estrogen.


D) hCG.

E) LH.

114) Which of the following methods ofenhancing fertility involves the placement of sperm andunfertilized eggs into the oviduct?

A) artificial insemination

B) in vitro fertilization

C) gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)

D) hysteroscopy

E) zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT)

114) Drugs like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra arenot aphrodisiacs, meaning that they do not cause an erection,rather they function by

A) increasing LH and FSH release.

B) promoting blood inflow into the penis.

C) increasing the net movement of calcium ionsinto vascular smooth muscles in the penis.

D) stimulating sensitivity in peniletissues.

E) decreasing inhibin production.

115) If fertilization does not occur followingrelease of the egg by the ovary, then the ________ will degenerateapproximately two weeks after ovulation.

A) primary oocyte

B) oviduct

C) endometrium layer

D) corpus luteum

E) All of the above are correct.

116) Chemicals or particles in air that haveadverse effects on living organisms is termed

A) acid rain.

B) eutrophication.

C) pollution.

D) global warming.

E) dentrification.

117) Gases such as nitrous oxide and carbondioxide are called greenhouse gases because

A) they block sunlight from reaching theEarth.

B) they block specific wavelengths of sunlightfrom penetrating.

C) these gases permit sunlight to enter buttrap the heat energy in the atmosphere.

D) they block both sunlight and heat energyfrom penetrating the atmosphere.

E) they stimulate photosynthesis in mostplants.

118) The ozone layer can be destroyed bypollutants such as

A) sulfur dioxide.

B) halons and CFCs.

C) carbon monoxide.

D) hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides.

E) carbon dioxide and oxygen.

119) The main human activities that haveraised atmospheric CO2 levels are

A) succession and adaptive radiation.

B) home development on grasslands andwetlands.

C) drainage of wetlands areas along rivers andoceans.

D) deforestation and burning fossil fuels.

E) really negligent because CO2levels have risen and fallen naturally regardless of humanactivity.

120) "Earth's fever" is in reference to

A) a rise in the temperature of the Earthbelieved to be due to greenhouse gases.

B) the potential pandemics that manyscientists believe could occur at any time with the burgeoninghuman population.

C) current disease epidemics, mainly thoseassociated with disease spreading from animals like birds andlivestock to humans.

D) the Earth's crust.

E) potential volcanic eruptions in locationsthat have not experienced such activity in many years.

121) Certain gases in the upper atmosphereallow sunlight to pass through to the Earth's surface, but preventheat from escaping. This is known as

A) global positioning.

B) desertification.

C) the greenhouse effect.

D) thermal inversion.

E) eutrophication.

122) The largest hole in the ozone layeroccurs in the stratospheric layer over

A) the Amazon rainforests.

B) the eastern coast of the United States.

C) the western coast of the United States.

D) Africa and South America.

E) Antarctica.

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
28 Sep 2019
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