31 Jul 2018

1. (20pts) Let’s consider how restrictive enzymes work. Look the two samples of DNA shown below:

DNA Sample #1

5’– T C C A G T G A T C T C G A A T T C G C T A G T A A C G T T C G A T

3’– A G G T C A C T A G A G C T T A A G C G A T C A T T G C A A G C T A

DNA Sample #2

5’– T C A T C G A A T T C C T G G A A T C A G C A G A A T T C G C A T A

3’– A G T A G C T T A A G G A C C T T A G T C G T C T T A A G C G T A T

If both samples are treated with the restriction enzyme EcoRI [recognition sequence G’AATTC] then indicate the number of fragments and the size of each fragment from each sample of DNA. List the fragment sizes in order of largest to smallest.

Sample # 1 Sample # 2

# of fragments:________ # of fragments:________

Sizes of fragments (largeà small): Sizes of fragments (largeà small):

(20pts) Read the protocol for Lab 8B.

What is supercoiled DNA

Why would it migrate further into an agarose gel if it’s uncut plasmid DNA?

What causes this type of DNA to form?

Is this likely to occur to our isolated plasmid DNA?

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
1 Aug 2018
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