13 Feb 2018

1. In a successful PCR reaction, which of the following is true?

a. The template DNA is added in excess of the primers and dNTPs.

b. The annealing temperature must be just below the melting temperature of the primers.

c. The temperature for the denaturation step is 72 C

d. All of the above

2. In our TLC experiment, which of the following had an effect on the migration of the samples?

a. The number of negatively charged phosphate groups

b. The protonation state of ionizable groups on the bases.

c. The size of the molecule.

d. All of the above

3. Which of the following is true of nucleic acid migration in agarose gel electrophoresis?

a.Nicked circular plasmids migrate faster than supercoiled plasmids.

b.Binding of ethidium bromide during electrophoresis speeds up the movement of linear fragments.

c.A higher percentage of agarose will decrease the migration of larger DNA fragments.

d.A lower strength electric field will increase the migration of DNA fragments.

4.What is the purpose of the outgrowth period during transformation?

a.To allow for the cells to take up DNA.

b.To allow for expression of the lacZα and lacZω genes.

c.To allow for expression of antibiotic-resistance genes.

d.To prepare cell membranes for electroporation.

5.Which of the following is true of ligase and ligation reactions?

a.Ligase facilitates H-bonds between the sticky ends created by restriction enzyme digestion.

b.Ligase is inactivated at 37 C.

c.DNA fragments must have a 5’ PO4 group for ligase to covalently join them together.

d.Vector must be added in molar excess to insert to favor recombinant plasmid formation.

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
16 Feb 2018

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