BIO315H5 Midterm: Test 2 Review - Lecture 12

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Adaptor protein interacts with both the cargo receptor and recognizes specific lipids that are on that donor membrane. Interaction of adaptor protein (ap2) interacts with cargo receptor but also specialized phosphoinositides on that particular donor membrane. In this case, adaptor protein maintains a certain force that maintained a certain configuration relative to each other, however, upon binding to this specific phosphoinositide (pip2). This causes 2 of the subunits to rearrange & this exposes binding sites now to the cargo . Shuttles between the cytosol and the membrane of the forming vesicle. Hsp60 (atpase) called oxolyn - helps to peel off clathrin coat once the vesicle is formed and its. In case of clathrin coats, we talked about importance of phosphoinosides in formation of coat. But coat assembly may also be facilitated by monomeric gtpases this is case for copi and copii: copii require sar1 proteins (the gtpase, copi vesicles require arf proteins, these monomeric.