BIO315H5 Lecture 12: BIO315 – Lecture 12

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5 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Each compartment has a unique set of membrane markers. Together, the secretory and endocytic pathways are made up of 10+ chemically distinct, membrane-enclosed compartments. Helps to select proteins that will go into that vesicle. 1: clathrin-coated: mediate transport b/w golgi and plasma membrane. Cop1 coated: bud off of golgi and transport cargo to an earlier compartment. Adaptor proteins: sandwiched b/w clathrin cage and membrane, help to select specific cargos into transport vesicles and bind the clathrin coat to the membrane. Adaptor protein interacts with both cargo receptor and specific lipids. Loss of interaction b/w adaptor proteins and membrane lipids - happens b/c vesicle may have phospholipids that destroy that interaction. How adaptor proteins are recruited and assembled on the membrane. Adaptor proteins are very important for the assembly of the coat. Ap2 - maintains a certain configuration, upon binding to pip2, two of the four subunits are rearranged.