MHR 405 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Canoe.Com, Contact Hypothesis, Mars 1

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Lo1 explain how emotion and cognition (conscious reasoning) in uence attitudes and behaviour. Cognition is persons thoughts and actions are governed primarily or exclusively by logical thinking. Perception, attitudes, decisions and behaviour are in uenced by cognition and emotions as well. Emotions are physiological, behavioural, and psychological episode experienced towards an object, person, or event that create a state of readiness. Moods are not directed towards anything in particular and tend to be long- term emotional states. Have an associated valence- core e ect- signaling that the perceived object or event should be approached or avoided. Negative emotions tend to generate stronger levels of activations than do positive emotions. Negative emotions protect us from harm and are therefore mote critical for our survival. Our brain tags incoming sensory information with emotional markers based on a quick and imprecise evaluation of whether that information supports or threatens our innate drives. They are automatic and non conscious emotional responses.