
Part B: True or False? 

* Determine if each statement is true (T) or false (F).


12. _______ An element cannot be broken down into simpler chemical substances by any physical or chemical means.

13. _______ If an element is a gas at room temperature, it is likely to be a metal.

14. _______ Elements in the same period of the Periodic Table have varying (different) properties.

15. _______ Hydrogen is a clear, colourless gas that is highly reactive. Based on these properties, Hydrogen is

similar to the Halogens.

16. _______ The element Iodine is a shiny black solid at room temperature. Iodine is thus an example of a metal.

17. _______ Electrical advertising signs made of colourful glowing light tubes are often filled with elements from the  

halogen family.

18. _______ John Dalton proposed the idea of indivisible atoms.

19. _______ Experiments by J.J. Thomson showed that atoms contain neutrons.

20. _______ An atom with 16 protons, 16 electrons and 18 neutrons has a mass number of 50.

21. _______ Elements in group 15 of the periodic table all have 15 valence electrons.

22. _______ Chlorine has electrons in 3 energy levels.

23. _______ When copper is added to tin, the alloy bronze is created. Bronze is an example of a compound.

Part B: True or False? (K – 12 marks)

* Determine if each statement is true (T) or false (F).


12. _______ An element cannot be broken down into simpler chemical substances by any physical or chemical means.

13. _______ If an element is a gas at room temperature, it is likely to be a metal.

14. _______ Elements in the same period of the Periodic Table have varying (different) properties.

15. _______ Hydrogen is a clear, colourless gas that is highly reactive. Based on these properties, Hydrogen is

similar to the Halogens.

16. _______ The element Iodine is a shiny black solid at room temperature. Iodine is thus an example of a metal.

17. _______ Electrical advertising signs made of colourful glowing light tubes are often filled with elements from the  

halogen family.

18. _______ John Dalton proposed the idea of indivisible atoms.

19. _______ Experiments by J.J. Thomson showed that atoms contain neutrons.

20. _______ An atom with 16 protons, 16 electrons and 18 neutrons has a mass number of 50.

21. _______ Elements in group 15 of the periodic table all have 15 valence electrons.

22. _______ Chlorine has electrons in 3 energy levels.

23. _______ When copper is added to tin, the alloy bronze is created. Bronze is an example of a compound.


Atomic #

Mass #

Standard Atomic



Family Name




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