


amramr328Liberty University

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Answer: Answers: 1.) d.) all of the above (epiphyseal plates, endochondral oss...
Answer: Livability encompasses a wide range of factors that contribute to the ...
Answer:Lean tools are methodologies developed from Toyota Production System pr...
Answer: d. Appositional growth. As new tissue forms on the outside surface of ...
Answer:Long bones are defined as having a larger diameter than most other bone...
Answer:There are approximately 206 bones in the human adult skeleton. This num...
Answer:Credit refers to borrowed funds made available from lenders to borrower...
Answer: The human skeletal system is one of the most remarkable aspects of our...
Answer:It sounds like you may be feeling lost, uncertain about yourself or you...
Answer: To determine how much money to allocate to Stock X to achieve an expec...
Answer: As stated previously, the correct statement is: A. The cycle produces ...
Answer: The correct statement is: A. The cycle produces three moles of NADH an...

1. Which is the immediate product of an anaplerotic reaction related to the Krebs cycle?

A) Citrate. B) Malate. C) Oxaloacetate. D) Acetyl CoA. E) Pyruvate.

A) The pathway converts glucose to lactate.

B) The pathway is called ‘anaerobic’ because no oxygen is consumed.

C) The pathway produces ATP and this is called substrate-level phosphorylation.

D) Substrate-level phosphorylation is a synonym for oxidative phosphorylation.

E) The NADH made in one part of the pathway is used up in another part of the


2. The free energy stored in the high-energy bonds of ATP is obtained by the oxidation of fuels (carbohydrates, fats, proteins). Which of the following is NOT part of this process?

A) The conversion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins into acetyl CoA and the oxidation of Acetyl CoA in the TCA cycle.

B) The reduction of NAD+ and FAD by the TCA cycle.

C) The oxidation of NADH and FADH2 by the electron transport chain.

D) The pumping of hydrogen ions into the mitochondria from the cytoplasm using the

energy of the electron transport chain.

E) The synthesis of ATP from ADP and Pi by ATP synthase using the energy in the

proton gradient.

3. In some tissues, an increase in blood insulin will substantially increase the glucose transporters in the cell membrane and the transport of glucose into cells. Which of these tissues react in this manner?

A) Red blood cells and brain.

B) Brain and liver.

C) Liver and muscle.

D) Muscle and adipose.

E) Adipose and red blood cells

Answer: I'll answer your questions now. Please note that if you want me to mar...
Answer: Here are the correct responses: a. False statement. Both NADH and FADH...
Answer: It is difficult to provide exact values for the net yield of ATP for a...
Answer: B) Hormone-stimulated cascades are not necessary, as hormones target o...
Answer: The hormone that facilitates the import of glucose into cells is c. in...
Answer:Insulin is primarily responsible for promoting glycogen synthesis in th...
Answer:The correct answer is a. vasopressin. ADH is another name for vasopress...
Answer: The Representatives have two minutes to vote on the bill. They will us...
Answer:The answer to the first blank is Aldosterone, and the answer to the sec...

Healthy relationships share certain characteristics that teens should be taught to expect. They include:

  • Mutual respect. Respect means that each person values who the other is and understands the other person’s boundaries.
  • Trust. Families and friends should place trust in each other and give each other the benefit of the doubt.
  • Honesty. Honesty builds trust and strengthens the relationship.
  • Compromise. In a dating relationship, each partner does not always get his or her way. Each should acknowledge different points of view and be willing to give and take.
  • Individuality. No one should have to compromise who he/she is, and his/her identity should not be based on a partner’s. Each should continue seeing his or her friends and doing the things he/she loves. Each should be supportive of his/her partner wanting to pursue new hobbies or make new friends.
  • Good communication. Everyone should speak honestly and openly to avoid miscommunication. If one person needs to sort out his or her feelings first, the other partner should respect those wishes and wait until he or she is ready to talk.
  • Anger control. We all get angry, but how we express it can affect our relationships with others. Anger can be handled in healthy ways such as taking a deep breath, counting to ten, or talking it out.
  • Fighting fair. Everyone argues at some point, but those who are fair, stick to the subject, and avoid insults are more likely to come up with a possible solution. Partners should take a short break away from each other if the discussion gets too heated.
  • Problem-solving. Family, friends, and dating partners can learn to solve problems and identify new solutions by breaking a problem into small parts or by talking through the situation.
  • Understanding. Each partner should take time to understand what the other might be feeling.
  • Self-confidence. When dating partners have confidence in themselves, it can help their relationships with others. It shows that they are calm and comfortable enough to allow others to express their opinions without forcing their own opinions on them.
  • Being a role model. By embodying what respect means, partners can inspire each other, friends, and family to also behave in a respectful way.


Step 3. After you have created your list, add the following to your document:


  • Describe the types and importance of relationships
  • Identify the qualities of friendship
  • Plan a strategy to develop and maintain ongoing relationships
  • Explain what commitment means in a relationship
Answer: Types and Importance of Relationships:There are many types of relation...
Answer: The study of law can be compared to an iceberg in that the top 1/3 of ...
Answer: Abstract:Titanium and its alloys have been widely used in dental and c...

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