


Akshay KshirsagarSavitribai Phule Pune University

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Akshay Kshirsagar is a practicing lawyer in India. His area of expertise includes Income Tax, GST, Trust, Property Law, Trade Mark, and Civil Matters.




Architecture1History4Law2Management1English6Philosophy1Business2Mechanical Engineering1Sociology2Geography1Engineering1Accounting2Calculus8Biology2Mathematics2Physics6Economics11Chemistry1
Answer: An isocost line reveals the input combinations that can be purchased w...
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Answer: The production function given is Q = KL + K + L. Step-by-step explanat...
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Answer: f'(w) = (w(w + a/w) - w(w + a/w^2)) / (w + a/w)^2 = (w^2 - wa/w^2) / (...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation: To answer this question, we need to use the ...
Answer: dw = (2xy + z^2) dx + (x^2 + 2yz) dy + (2yz + xz) dzStep-by-step expla...
Answer: A love triangle is a romantic relationship involving three people.Step...
Answer: For the literature "And If The Heart Cannot Love" by Jose Garcia Villa...
Answer: It is not clear which ethnic groups you are referring to in relation t...
9. Who are "the gods" referring to in this passage from the story?
"The house was an altar with ten thousand attendants, big, small, servicing, attending, in choirs.
But the gods had gone away, and the ritual of the religion continued senselessly, uselessly."
a. the mother, father, and children who lived in the house
b. politicians who began a war and then fled to safety
c. the inventors responsible for creating the house
d. scientists who developed the nuclear bomb astonishment
10. The dog frothed at the mouth, lying at the door, sniffing, its eyes turned to fire is an example of $a(n)$
a. simile
b. metaphor
c. personification
d. irony
11. What is the significance of the line, "The dog was gone."
a. This is the beginning of the takeover of the home
b. It represents the end of the last truly living thing in the house
c. The dog has finally left as have all the people
d. It symbolizes the total abandonment of the home
12. Why is it ironic that the house chooses the poem "There Will Come Soft Rains"
a. The poem is Mrs. McClellan's favorite, but she is not there to hear it
b. The house, like nature in the poem, is unaware of the demise of mankind
c. It is raining outside as it is raining in the poem
d. The house is mistaken about the poetry Mrs. McClellan liked
13. Why does the marking of time change at 10:00p.m.?
a. The damage has changed the home's operating system.
b. The home now realizes the family is no longer there.
C. The house is now dead and no longer announcing the time.
d. The home is set to change the marking for time at 10:00p.m.
14. Which line best represents the climax of the story?
a. The nursery walls glowed. (paragraph 24)
b. Today is August 5, 2026, today is August 5,2026, today is ... (last line)
c. A dog whined, shivering on the porch. (paragraph 14)
d. At ten o'clock the house began to die. (paragraph 31)
15. Based upon the story as a whole, the reader can conclude that Bradbury believes
a. more technology should be used in every home
b. technology can be useless, impractical and even dangerous
c. all technology should be monitored closely by the government
d. technology has the ability enhance the lives of individuals
16. What is the effect of the story's point of view?
a. The first person narration reveals the thoughts/actions of the family members.
b. The omniscient narrator reveals details not available since there are not characters.
c. The 3rd person narration provides an objective perspective of the events in the story.
d. The omniscient narrator reveals the carelessness and destructive behavior of the family since they would not.
Answer: It looks like you have multiple questions about the story "There Will ...
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Answer: Therefore, the value of the summation formula is 2/3.Step-by-step expl...
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Answer: Therefore, the tension in the cable at the top of the swing is 588 N, ...
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Answer: Pre-industrial societiesStep-by-step explanation: Pre-industrial socie...
Answer: Therefore, the dry unit weight of the soil is 16 kN / (1 + 0.14) = 14....
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Answer: In this passage, the barrier to critical thinking that is most likely ...
Answer: 3^1X^1/1 + 3^2X^2/2 + 3^3X^3/3 + ...Step-by-step explanation: The expr...
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Answer: There are many factors that can influence how a society or community d...
Answer: In terms of addressing gun violence, it is important to consider a var...
Answer: In the context of gun violence, a boycott could involve refusing to pu...
Answer: So, the company must purchase 53,834 bolts of fabric in October.Step-b...
Answer: To calculate the effort required to drag a body up an inclined plane, ...
Answer: Sure, here is an example of how you can use this approach to analyze a...
Answer: Here is a simple plan that can help you determine how many calories yo...
Answer: The correct answer is A. professional.
Answer: As for evidence of this action, you could include photos or videos of ...
Answer: The human figure was extremely important to Renaissance art because it...

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