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The language of England, widely used around the world as a language for business and communications.

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in English·
11 Jun 2021
Shifts in verb tense occur when a writer uses more than one verb tense in a sentence.
- Shifts in verb tense are appropriate if they describe actions that take place in different time frames.
- Shifts are inappropriate if they describe actions that take place in the same time frame-either past, present, or future.
Using Correct Verb Tense
Write A if the verb tense shift is appropriate.
Write I if it is inappropriate. 
1. Juan improved his grades, but he still multiplies incorrectly. __________
2. The coach will determine each runner's start time after she instructed us to line up at the starting block. __________
3. After the carpenter measures the wood, he will begin cutting it. __________
4. He stared at the odd-looking dog, laughed out loud, and then feeds it a scrap of meat. __________
5. The politician will campaign in New York after she stops for a rally in Pennsylvania. __________
Rewrite each sentence so that it contains an appropriate shift in verb tense.
6. After she visits the museum and stops for lunch, she shopped for a new hat. __________
7. Before the crowd squeezes into the small concert hall, they lined up outside. __________
8. At the end of the party, Amelia's parents will surprise her with a used car that they fix up like new. __________
Using Correct Verb Tense (Continued)
9. It stuns the audience when the actors started throwing objects at them in the last act. __________
10. After the rabbit vanished, the magician will pull it out of a hat. __________

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