6 Mar 2018

What is the difference between chromatin and chromosomes?

Question options:

chromatin is one of two identical strands of DNA.

chromosomes are chromatin that has been tightly packed and coiled.

chromosomes are composed of nucleosomes and chromatin is composed of sister chromatids.

chromosomes are important in mitosis and chromatin is essential to meiosis.

Bacterial cells only reproduce asexually and cannot exchange genetic material.

Question options:

True, because they undergo binary fission.

False, because they transfer genetic material with other bacterial cells.

True, because they have a cell wall that prevents sharing of genetic material.

After a visit to a specialist, Dan was diagnosed with liver cancer. Six months later additional tumors were found in his stomach and small intestine. This is an example of

Question options:

malignant tumors.

benign tumors.

Both malignant tumors and metastasis are correct.

Which of the following does NOT occur during mitosis?

Question options:

DNA is replicated.

Replicated chromosomes divide.

Cells line up along the equator of the cell.

Which of the following is INCORRECTLY matched?

Question options:

prophase -- mitotic spindle forms

metaphase -- chromosomes line up along the equator

telophase -- cytoplasm divides

Why is hair loss a common side effect of cancer treatments?

Question options:

Hair cells are at the surface of the body so die easily.

Hair cells divide rapidly and so are targeted by the cancer drugs.

Cancer drugs often target and kill random cells within the body.

From "Investigating Life: Cutting Off a Tumor's Supply Lines in the War on Cancer," how are endostatins used to treat cancerous cells?

Question options:

They prevent angiogenesis by cancerous cells.

They promote growth of new blood vessels to feed cells.

They bind to receptors on cancerous cells and prevent cells from reproducing.

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
8 Mar 2018
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