19 May 2018

Describe step-by-step what happens when a person gets a bacterial infection through the skin cut and compare it to the step-by-step process of the viral infection.

For both of them start with the innate immune system and finish with the adaptive immune system (production of antibodies and memory cells).

Include terms such as: MHC-I, MHC-II, IL-1, IL-2, endogeneous, exogenous, native antigen, CD4+, CD8+, APC (antigen presenting cell), CTL, apoptosis, plasma cell, memory cells, phagocytosis, diapedesis, perforin/ granzyme, TCR, etc.

I am so lost in terms of this difference! I would appreciate some help, especially if you could break it down into pieces! Thank you!!!!

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
20 May 2018

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