16 Jul 2018

-Complete the following sentences: metaphase of mitosis, prophase II of meiosis, crossing over, anaphase I of meiosis, variable, random fertilization, identical, random orientation, metaphase I of meiosis, prophase I of meiosis, metaphase II of meiosis, reduction division

Two processes that occur during meiosis produce genetically ____________ cells.

In a process called ____________ , paired homologous chromosomes align randomly at the cell equator. This occurs during this stage of cell division: ____________ .

In a process called ____________ , genetic material is exchanged between homologous chromosomes. This occurs during this stage of cell division: ____________ .

-Complete the following paragraph to describe nondisjunction and the resulting effects on chromosome number.

words: euploidy, primary nondisjunction, nomal, nondisjunction, secondary nondisjunction, homologous chromosomes, abnormal, trisomy, monosomy, sister chromatids, aneuploid

1.During meiosis I, ____________ separate and move towards opposite ends of the poles.

2.During meiosis II, ____________ separate and move towards opposite ends of the poles.

3.During meiosis I, if both members of a homologous pair go into the same daughter cell, ____________ is said to occur and no normal gametes are produced.

4.During meiosis II, if the sister chromatids fail to separate and both daughter chromosomes go into the same gamete, ____________ is said to occur. Half the gametes are aneuploid while the other half are euploid.

5.If an egg that contains 24 chromosomes instead of 23 chromosomes is fertilized by a normal sperm, ____________ is said to have occurred.

6.If an egg that contains 22 chromosomes instead of 23 chromosomes is fertilized by a normal sperm, ____________ is said to have occurred.

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
18 Jul 2018
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