
41. Microevolution is defined as:

Changes in population size

Changes in the frequency of alleles in the gene pool

Changes in the composition of the population

Emergence of new species

Changes in community size

42. A zorse is the offspring produced through interbreedingbetween a horse and a zebra. Zorses are often preferred for ridingbecause of their physical shape, but they are sterile. According toLinnaean taxonomy, are zebras and horses classified in the samespecies?




Not enough information to determine

43. Red rose color is incompletely dominant over white rosecolor. If a red rose is crossed with a pink rose, what percentageof the offspring will be pink?





44. Honey bees engage in entomophily, pollinationthrough pollen distribution, as part of the process to producehoney. What is entomophily an example of?





45. The majority of climate scientists suggest that the currentchange in climate is caused predominantly by ________.

An enhancement of the greenhouse effect

A decreased reliance on fossil fuels for energy

A thinning of the ozone layer

A melting of the polar ice caps

An increase in solar radiation

46. Which of the following is not an expected effect of globalclimate change?

A rise in the sea levels

Flooding of coastal cities

Decrease in the size of glaciers and ice sheets

Increase in the size of glacier and ice sheets

More extreme weather

47. If a wolf eats a rodent which ate a small insect which ate aplant, the wolf would be a(n)


Primary producer

Primary consumer

Secondary consumer

Tertiary consumer

48. The organisms that represent the different species within anecosystem that interact in various ways, comprise a_______________


Trophic level




49. Inheritable mutations, which may allow a population toevolve, are produced

As a response to selection pressure

By chance

By natural selection

As a response to environmental pressure

By artificial selection

50. The ability of fireflies and angler fish to produce light isan example of convergent evolution. What can you conclude aboutthese two animals based on this information?

They share a recent common ancestor

The ability to produce light is an ancient trait

They are found in the same location

They are both adapted to environments which are low in light

All of the above

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
29 Sep 2019
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