
Animal Physiology-

57. During exertion, increased blood flow through skeletal muscle enables an increased rate of oxygen delivery,increased rate of carbon dioxide removal, and an increased rate of heat transfer. How does heat enter thebloodstream? (a) convection (b) conduction (c) radiation

58. Does lactic acid begin to appear within skeletal muscle during exertion should oxygen be limiting? yes or no

60. Is carbon dioxide within the bloodstream a dehydrated, volatile acid? yes or no

62. The pH of any bicarbonate buffer system can be predicted with the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation: pH =6.1 + log [HCO3-]/[0.03 mmol L-1 mm Hg-1 x PCO2]. The pH of arterial blood is 7.4. Does this mean that a ratio of 20 to 1 must be maintained between the molar concentration of bicarbonate and carbon dioxide? yes or no

63. Did the rate of mitochondrial carbon dioxide production increase during the case study? yes or no

64. Did the partial pressure of pulmonary carbon dioxide change during the case study? yes or no

73. Pulmonary PCO2 is stabilized by an autonomic reflex that modulates ventilation rate. Ventilation rate is bestunderstood as a pattern in which pulmonary ventilation, in ml per minute, equals ventilation frequency timesthe difference between tidal and dead space volumes. Can basal ventilation rate be predicted from anallometric equation? yes or no

74. Ventilation and walking are enabled by central pattern generators. In the case of walking, where are theneurons that act as a pattern generator? (a) motor cortex (b) brainstem (c) spinal cord

88. Which hormonal signal facilitates lipolysis within adipocytes? (a) elevation of bloodstream glucagon (b) diminution of bloodstream insulin (c) diminution of bloodstream leptin

93. The concentration of bloodstream leptin is proportional to the availability of: (a) mobilizable protein (b) hepatic glycogen (c) adipocyte triglyceride

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
28 Sep 2019
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