
Fill in the blanks using these words: IgE, mucus, males, acidic, semen, reproductive, Lactobacillus, neuroendocrine, desquamation, IgA, females, Candida, urethra, Bacillus, urine flow, genitourinary

The _____________ system is really two distinct organ systems: the urinary system and the ____________ system.

Natural defense mechanisms of the genitourinary system include secretory ________, __________ secretions, and _______ pH in the female genital tract, and ___________ or shedding of cells in the urinary tract.

Within the urinary system, _________ keeps most areas sterile; the outer region of the ________, however, harbors normal biota such nonhemolytic streptococci, staphylococci, corynebacteria, and lactobacilli.

In _________, the shortness of the urethra allows for easy entry of GI tract microbes into the bladder, which often results in urinary tract infections.

In _________, the normal biota of the genital tract is nearly identical to species found in the urinary tract; this is the same for genital tract biota of girls and postmenopausal women.

Due to hormonal differences, the normal biota of women in their childbearing years predominantly consists of the yeast ________ and the bacterium _________.

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
28 Sep 2019
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