
Assuming that the mutations are adaptive, how would that affect the stability of a protein at low and high temperatures?


1) Glutamine to lysine in a warm adapted species.Glutamine is uncharged while lysine is positively charged, therefore there would likely be a change as an uncharged amino acid is being replaced with positively charged amino acid.

2) Threonine to Alanine in a warm adapted species. Threonine is polar uncharged while Alanine is hydrophobictherefore there would likely be a change, as a polar charged amino acid is being replaced with a hydrophobic amino acid.

3) Glutamic acid to aspartic acid in a cold adapted species. Both Aspartic acid to Glutamic acid are negatively charged, therefore, there would likely be no effect with this change as both are negatively charged amino acids.

4) Glycine to alanine in a warm adapted species. Both Glycine to Alanine are non polar amino acids, therefore the change would likely have no effect as both are non polar and hydrophobic.

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
28 Sep 2019
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