
1. Which of the following structures is intended to maximize the surface area available for gas exchange?

a. Thin membranes lining respiratory organs such as gills and lungs.

b. Multiple infoldings of respiratory surfaces, such as lamellae in gills.

c. Inhaled fresh air is mixed with old air from the previous breathing cycle.

d. Blood circulates in counter current direction to water flow in gills.


2. The affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen changes with pH. What is affecting the pH of the blood?

a. The blood changes its pH based on the amount of carbon dioxide dissolved.

b. The blood changes its pH based on the amount of oxygen dissolved.

c. The pH of the blood is adjusted centrally in the hypothalamus.

d. The pH of the blood is constant and never changes.

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
28 Sep 2019
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