
Q.1 (a) Production of which of the following types of proteinsduring an innate immune response would directly lead to the lysisof a microbe?

- Membrane Attack Complex

- Perforin

- Immunoglobulin

- Interferon

Q 1. (b) Swelling due to bulk flow from the plasma into theinterstital fluid is the result of decreased protein permeabilityin the capillaries. (True or False?)

Q.1 (c) Both inflammation and fever result in an increase in thetemperature set point of the body. (True or False?)

Q.1 (d) Indicate which of the following statements describeClass I MHC molecules, describe Class II MHC molecules or decribeboth Class I MHC & Class II MHC molecules?

-This molecule is expressed on all nucleated cells.

- This molecule interacts with proteins expressed on the surfaceof Cytotoxic T cells.

- This molecule is expressed on the surface of Antigenpresenting cells.

- This molecule is important for activating helper T cells.

- This molecule is expressed on the surface of B cells

- This molecule binds to antigens that come from primarilyintracellular pathogens.

Q.1 (e) What type of B cell does not secrete many antibodiesduring a primary immune response, but is very important for asecondary immune response?

Q.1 (f)If an individual failed to develop any maturelymphocytes, they would have lessened innate responses to infectionand lessened adaptive responses to infection. (True or False?)

Q.1 (g) Which of the following statements about the late stagesof HIV infection/AIDS are true? Choose all of the correctanswers.

A person in the late stages of AIDS is more susceptible toinfection with bacteria, fungi and viruses than a person in theasymptomatic stage of HIV infection.

The number of CD4-expressing T cells in the blood is high duringthe late stages of HIV infection

The number of Killer T cells in the blood can be high during thelate stages of HIV infection.

Innate immune responses may be weakened during the late stagesof HIV infection because of the weakened adaptive responses duringthese stages.

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
28 Sep 2019
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