
1.If the supply of ATP to a shortening muscle is completelydepleted, what will happen to the cross-bridge cycle? What is thename if the phenomenon that results from complet ATP depletion?

2.Order the following 10 events that summarize musclecontraction. Remember that a muscle contraction begins with thetransmission of a nerve impulse to a muscle fiber

a. the power stroke

b. Opening of ryanodine Ca2+ channels in the sarcoplasmicreticulum

c. Binding of mysosin cross-bridges to actin

d. release of acetylcholine into the neuromuscular junction

e. confromational change in tropomyosin troponin complex

f. binding of ca2+ to troponin

g. binding of atp to myosin cross-brisges

h. depolarization of the muscle fiber

i. hydrolysis of atp bound to myosin cross-bridges

j. action potential propagation along the transverse tubules

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
28 Sep 2019
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