10 Oct 2018

i choose aba for those 3 neuroscience question. but could any one help me if i got right?

5. Patch clamp studies have demonstrated that the following is true…

a. individual channels carry currents that do not predict the macroscopic current carried by the entire population in an axon

b. ion selectivity varies greatly among individual channels of a particular type (e.g. voltage-gated sodium channels)

c. channel behavior includes random fluctuations

d. individual voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels always open when the membrane is depolarized

7. The following is true regarding membrane property known as threshold…

a. it is primarily determined by the phospholipid composition of the membrane

b. it is strongly dependent upon the voltage-dependence of the voltage-gated sodium channels

c. it usually occurs when the membrane is hyperpolarized beyond the resting potential

d. it occurs when there is less depolarizing current than the leakage currents e. mutations in the sodium channel S4 domain would not be expected to influence threshold

8. Which of the following is a potential advantage of electrical synapses over chemical synapses?

a. their strength can be modulated at many different steps of synapse function

b. neurotransmitters can bind to distinct receptor types present at the same synapse

c. they can allow second messengers to pass between neurons

d. signals can pass more slowly preventing over-stimulation in the brain e. they help ensure that neurons are not synchronously active

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
11 Oct 2018
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