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Eric Danhart

Verified Documents for Eric Danhart

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Cell Membrane, Cell Theory, Natural Selection
Chapter 1: properties of life (biology and the tree of life) 1. 1: what does it mean to say something is alive. Organism- any living entity that contai
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Electron Shell, Radionuclide, Solution
Chapter 2: water and carbon: the chemical basis of life. Theory of chemical evolution- theory that simple chemical compounds in early atmosphere combin
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Covalent Bond, Hydrogen Bond, Amine
Chapter 3: protein structure and function(all credit goes to freeman biological science. 4 types of macromolecules: proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydra
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Phosphodiester Bond, Rna World
Chapter 4: nucleic acids and the rna world x-rays, builds structure based on electrons. Nuclear magnetic resonance(nmr) spectroscopy- puts isotopes int
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Electron Transport Chain, Reduction Potential, Electrochemical Gradient
9. 5: electron transport and chemiosmosis: building a proton gradient to produce atp. Electron transport chain- membrane bound complex/mobile electron
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, Light-Dependent Reactions, Light-Independent Reactions
Photosynthesis- biological process converting light energy to chem energy, stored in g3p. Autotrophic- organism capable of synthesize organic compounds
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Light-Independent Reactions, Carbon Fixation, Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate
10. 4: how is carbon dioxide reduced to produce sugars. Reactions that produce sugar from co2 do not need light, but they need the. Carbon fixation(red
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Sister Chromatids, Chromatid, Centromere
All image credit goes to freeman biology 6th edition. Cell division- new cell creation by division of old cells. Embryo- beginning stage of development
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 25: Homologous Chromosome, Cell Division, Sexual Reproduction
All images are credit to freeman biology 6th edition. Cell division- new cell creation by division of old cells. Embryo- beginning stage of development
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture 26: Lecture #26 Bio Notes
All image credits go to freeman biology 6th edition. Genetics- study of inheritance, nature of genes, workings of them. Heredity- traits transmission f
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 29: Chromosome, Quantitative Trait Locus
All image credits go to freeman biology 6th edition. Linkage(exception to mendel)- allele"s, of particular genes, tendency to be inherited together(phy
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 30: Capsid, Escherichia Coli, Hydrogen Bond
All credit goes to freeman biology 6th edition 2017. Chapter 15: dna and the gene: synthesis and repair. Hershey/chase experiments- determined whether
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 31: Telomerase, Telomere, Somatic Cell
All credit goes to freeman biology 6th edition 2017. Telomere- end region of eukaryotic chromosome(linear), do not code for protein, containing repeate
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 32: Genetic Screen, Gene Expression, Peptide
All credit goes to freeman biology 6th edition 2017. Gene expression- set of processes, transcription/translation, converting info in. Null/loss of fun
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture 33:
All credit goes to freeman biology 6th edition 2017. Rna polymerases- enzyme catalyzing rna synthesis from ribonucleotides using. Coding/non template s
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 34: Transfer Rna, Ribosome, Ribozyme
All credit goes to freeman biology 6th edition 2017. Ribosomes- site of protein synthesis, using genetic info from mrna. Was strong correlation b/w # o
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 37: Gene Expression, Escherichia Coli, Disaccharide
All credit goes to freeman biology 6th edition 2017. Chapter 18: control of gene expression in bacteria. Gene expression- entire set of processes, incl
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 38: Chromatin Remodeling, Chromatin, Chromosome
All credit goes to freeman biology 6th edition 2017. Chapter 19: control of gene expression in eukaryotes. Differential gene expression- expression of
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 42: Tumor Suppressor Gene, Benign Tumor, P53
All credit goes to freeman biology 6th edition 2017. General term for disease caused by cells that grow in uncontrolled fashion, invading nearby tissue
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 43: Molecular Cloning, Cloning Vector, Recombinant Dna
All credit goes to freeman biology 6th edition 2017. Chapter 20: the molecular revolution: biotechnology and beyond. Genome- all hereditary material in
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 44: Expressed Sequence Tag, Dna Sequencing, Dna Annotation
All credit goes to freeman biology 6th edition 2017. Biotechnology- engineering of genes/cells/organisms for research(adding/editing specific genes, gm
BIOLOGY 1113 Lecture Notes - Lecture 45: Meristem, Morphogen, Chromosome