BIO 201 Lecture 6: Lecture #6

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Intense solar radiation and other high energy inputs. The millar urey experiment- mimicking conditions on earth 3. 8 bya. Nucleotide bases, sugars, lipids came out of it. Abiogenesis: must be made from molecules that could arise in the absence of pre-existing life. Catalysis: the chemical reactions on which life depend must be fast enough to counteract forces of entropy. Complexity: hereditary material must be able to store information and be complex enough to contain information to build a cell. Self replication: hereditary material must be able to copy itself. Compartmentalization: contents must be concentrated and protected by environment. Viruses contain protein capsule with dna rna genomes. Rna world hypothesis: rna was the hereditary material in the first life forms on earth. Free fatty acids -> self-assembly + nucleotides ->polymerization and replication. Cell theory: all living organisms are made up of cells, the cell is the structural unit of life, all cells come from pre existing cells.