BIO 201 Lecture 6: Origins of Life and Cells

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At the time it was very favorable that there was no free o2 oxidation would"ve been bad for life at the time. Amino acid (pretty organized) from inorganic origins. Abiogenesis - comprised of molecules that could form in absence of living organisms. Catalysis - ability to make organization reaction a bit faster. Complexity - predictable inheritable characteristics from one generation to the next. Self replication - each of the daughter cells have some genetic info from previous generation. Compartmentalization - must bring together molecules to begin life in small space with a high concentration. Ignore lipids and carbohydrates don"t carry information/hereditary material. Nucleic acid and proteins can store genetic info. Yes (able to use themselves as template for replication and provide own energy for replication) In order to make more of them (divide), capsids must be completely disassembled and then reassembles. Risk losing genetic content every time you want to divide.