BIOS10115 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Cell-Mediated Immunity, Canine Distemper, Humoral Immunity

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Aka genetic immunity aka non-specific: encompasses innate defenses covered last time. Species immunity all (cid:373)e(cid:373)(cid:271)ers of spe(cid:272)ies are (cid:862)(cid:271)or(cid:374) (cid:449)ith(cid:863: example humans do not get infected with canine distemper. Innate (nonspecific) 1st line of defense physical barriers, chemical barriers, cellular defenses, inflammation, fever. Antigen something the body recognizes as foreign and mounts an immune response to: usually a protein. Sometimes a polysaccharides (sugars: often on surface of microorganisms and cells. Epitope area on antigen where antibodies bind. Antibody a protein produced in response to an antigen. Obtained in some other way than heredity. Active or passive: active production of antibodies. Can be natural or artificial: passive ready-made antibodies introduced. People of african descent do not get yellow fever innate not species specific. Dogs do not get human tuberculosis innate species specific. Babies gai(cid:374) so(cid:373)e i(cid:373)(cid:373)u(cid:374)ity through (cid:373)other"s (cid:373)ilk (cid:894)(cid:272)olostru(cid:373)(cid:895) acquired passive. Children are inoculated with an attenuated (not disease causing but in-tact) measles virus acquired active artificial.