BIO220H1 Lecture 5: Lec.5

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Conflict: parent offspring (po) conflict, parent parent (pp) conflict, theory (pretty straightforward, data (less straightforward) You want to take more than they want to give. If you and your parents weigh these costs and benefits differently, then there will be a. Conflict (how related is one parent to one of the offspring?) Parent offspring conflict: offspring begs for food, parent provides the food. B(p) = fitness of current offspring (can"t be used for future offspring) C(p) = # of future offspring given up . C(p) = # of future siblings given up (likely related to the current offspring) A gene that causes an offspring to take more resources now will reduce its own replication through future siblings. All offspring are genetically related to the parent by r= . Parents should maximize b(p) c(p) (50% receiving the gene) Optimal provisioning rate is in conflict (between parents and offspring)