BIO304H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Protein Kinase C, Pyramidal Cell, Nicotine

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Inositol triphosphate (ip3) activates er ip3 receptor ca2+ channels. Selectively targets neurons involved in processing different types of sensory information for the purpose of enhancing attention to those sensory modalities: cholinergic neurons are a primary site of degeneration in alzheimer"s disease, re(cid:272)e(cid:374)tl(cid:455) i(cid:374) the (cid:374)e(cid:449)s . Novichok agents - nerve agent used in attacks: what effect would novichok agents have on the heart, what about neuron-muscle synapses, what about volume transmission systems in the. Leads to awakening of silent synapses: glu neurons. > can be blocked if have mg blocks. Instead, pre-synaptic mglurs 2, 3 and 4 cause pre-synaptic auto-i(cid:374)hi(cid:271)itio(cid:374) . Just like pre-synaptic inhibition discussed previously for the neurotransmitter. Gaba and glycine: activate cys-loop ligand-gated chloride channels related to ionotropic nachrs, conduct cl- due to specific amino acids in m2 transmembrane helices, gaba is the predominant inhibitory transmitter in cortex and midbrain, glycine is predominant inh. Like every transmitter we have looked at so far, gaba also activates metabotropic.