BIO304H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Glycinergic, Function Type, Ligand-Gated Ion Channel

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17 Apr 2019

Document Summary

Nervous system - basically coherent connection of cells integrated. Cells coordinate and give rise to properties to allow communication. Rapid communication - action potentials - needed for communication with mdiff parts of body. Cells can"t only talk in fast ways because the consequences would be lost because communication is lost. Cells communicate through different temporal scales - there are slower forms of cellular communication that can last from minutes to hours - need of food, need to hunt, etc. Faster communication is for immediate body function. Neurotransmitters: a useful framework for reducing anatomical complexity in the cns. Neurons use transmitters based on function - type of transmitters helps understand where what is happening. We described how "marker" genes can be used to delineate neuron types. Marker genes are only expressed in cells of interest. These genes show where the neurotransmitter is expressed. Detecting mrnas in tissues = in situ hybridization. Pre-synaptic marker genes for neurotransmitter biosynthesis, degradation & transport.