BIO304H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Golgi'S Method, Green Fluorescent Protein, Dapi

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22 Apr 2019

Document Summary

Glutamate - primary excitatory neurotransmitter of the nervous system. Amino acid neurotransmitter that interacts with both ionotropic and metabotropic receptors. Neuronal tracing - earliest form to understand structure and function of neuronal tissues was called which used the golgi stain to show that the nervous system is made up of separate cells. Fluorescent dyes - discovered later on which help to trace neurons. These work by having electrons absorb light and emit that light as fluorescence as they drop to lower energy levels. Inject the dye into neuron which is diffused and travels through the cell and some dyes can even travel through gap junctions. Come dyes can conjugate other dyes to other molecules such as toxins. Golgi stain - labelled dead neurons by staining them. Marker genes - genes used to label/identify neurons and are only expressed in cell of interest. In situ hybridization detecting mrna in cell tissues.