PSYCH 131 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Executive Functions, Medication Therapy Management, Conduct Disorder

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Document Summary

Risk factor: individual, family, and social characteristics that are associated with increased vulnerability to disorder; must precede and predict a maladaptive outcome. Asset/promotive factor: another name for protective factor. Resilience: good developmental outcomes in spite of serious threats to adaptation or development; criteria: (1) individual is exposed to threat (2) individual exhibits. Multifinality: similar early experience (or risk factors) lead to different outcomes. Equifinality: different early experiences (or risk factors) lead to the same outcome: an approach to describing and studying disorder of childhood, adolescence, and beyond; Emphasizes the role of context; emphasizes the influences of multiple forces on normal/abnormal development and the interaction/transaction among different factors: (1) normal and atypical development are mutually informative. Ex. theory of mind false belief task provide a reference group for atypically developing. Children; provide mechanisms to understand the core deficits/symptoms of the disorder (2) research on normal and atypical development should be conducted at multiple levels.