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Over 1.9M documents made to help you prepare like a pro.
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Cool, calm, and collected. Isn’t that how you should feel before every exam? You can with the help of Study Guides. They include all course material and a practice exam, so you save time and hassle by focusing on what really matters. Sign up for Grade+ to get unlimited access to Study Guides and Class Notes.
Over 400K comprehensive Study Guides
Easily find the right documents for your course and professor.
Adapted to your schedule
Know what to expect on your exam with content that matches your syllabus.
Practice exams with step-by-step solutions
Don't just get the right answer - learn how to solve it yourself.
Made from premium content
Produced from premium educational content in our Booster Classes® for the highest-quality learning material.
Student ratings
These notes legit helped me graduate (Econ degree). Was so close to getting flunked but the streamlined layout really helped me tunnel into key concepts. Had to contact customer service a few times for questions but they were always on the ball. 10/10 if you need that extra boost in class. I sure did.
James Fu
OneClass is the best resource to find quality notes and practice problems. I found the notes there are well-organized, clear, and useful. I love checking midterm/final review notes on OneClass because it's really helpful.
Tina D.
This service is such a fantastic idea. I signed up and right away was able to start getting study notes for my classes. I would recommend anyone to sign up, its worth it! OneClass has helped me pass my courses, I am not sure I could have done it without them. Just make sure you cancel your subscription over the summer.
Stephanie D.
Frequently asked questions
What are Study Guides?
Study Guides are a collection of class notes for a course leading up to the midterm or final exam. Taken by students, they may also include practice exam questions provided by the professor. Study Guides act as a course outline and emphasize key concepts to focus on. Depending on the type of class, they usually include step-by-step solutions to problems.
What does a OneClass Grade+ Subscription give me access to?
With a OneClass Grade+ Subscription, you get access to over 4.0 million documents on the site for all of your courses. You are able to print or unlock the documents directly to your desktop, mobile or tablet. All OneClass Grade+ Subscriptions include access to the Homework Help platform as well.
Will I be in trouble for using OneClass? (Is OneClass legit?)
OneClass does not allow for any type of prohibited content to be uploaded to the site, including documents that are: copyrighted documents created by professors or instructors, including but not limited to: powerpoint slides, assignment questions, past exams, textbooks, e-textbooks, published articles, journals. By signing up to become a user of OneClass, all users must agree to abide by their policy on plagiarism and submission of any copyrighted material. In any cases where there is alleged infringement, all inquiries will receive a response within 48 hours. Any user found to be in violation of the site's policies will be suspended and all offending documents will be immediately removed. Furthermore, we work closely with faculty members and professors in ensuring that the site’s guidelines on plagiarism and copyrighted content is in strict accordance with as many academic institutions as possible. For more information, please see our page about Academic Integrity , Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy
I see Study Guides that are from previous years - are they still relevant?
Yes. Many teachers don’t change their syllabus and continue to teach the same material, year after year.