KP200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Random Variable, Procedural Knowledge

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Greater learning bene ts in skills taught under xed and blocked conditions. These training sessions result in greater short-term improvements in performance. However after a period of non-training subjects who learned under random and variable conditions demonstrated a greater retention of the skill. Fixed / blocked training is better for short term. Random / variable training is better for retention in long term. Subjects who learn under random and variable practice contains are required to generate a solution to the problem, forget the solution and try a new skill, and then re-learn the solution when required to perform the same skill. The increase in the amount of problem-solving activities is thought to create a better long- term learning and memory retrieval strategy. Expert decision makers are said to participate in a greater number of invasion sports and deliberate play activities. Implementation of game-based coaching framework may provide an improved method of training the perceptual and decision-making qualities of team-sport athletes.