PHGY 350 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pattern Hair Loss, Diabetes Mellitus Type 1, Endometrial Cancer

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Addison = immediate increase in acth after crh stimulation test. Pituitar(cid:455) is u(cid:374)respo(cid:374)se (cid:894)(cid:373)a(cid:455)(cid:271)e there"s a pituitar(cid:455) tu(cid:373)or, u(cid:374)a(cid:271)le. Delayed acth: if hypothalamus is not making, pituitary is asleep, so responds a little later (cortitrophs out of shape) Gh agonist for treatment of prostate cancer think antagonist. Desensitization of receptor, can shut off reproductive axis with an agonist. Trying to shut of gonadosteroids (prostate is target) In men, no difference (since most androgens come from testes. In women, makes a difference (ie. target for androgen goes to hair) people with pcos have hercitusm (male pattern hair growth, or male pattern baldness) Woman with hair loss, in someone without pcos, it would be assumed to be primary. You can only gauge disease using hair growth in female patients. Baby born without thyroid function: could be genetic or environmental (iodine deficiency country) Ie. it would be considered environmental if people have endemic goiters.