10 Jul 2019

1- A new beetle species has arrived in Ohio and ate the wheat, destroying much of the harvest. Research in lab has found that a toxin from the bacterial species Bacillius subtilius can kill the beetle when ingested. You are able to make recombinant DNA containing a plant expression vector and the toxin gene from Bacillius subtiliu. This toxin gene is transcribed and translated in plant cells in the lab. Before introducing this recombinant DNA into corn plants, what main concern do you need to first address?

A) Do we have the technology to express the toxin in this plant cell?

B) Will this gene escape the corn plant and the DNA inserts itself into other plant species?

C) Will the toxin harm humans/livestock when they eat the corn?

D) Will introfuction of the recombinant DNA select for naturally resistent weeds?

E) other

2- You are working on influenza virus infection and want to know if the isg15 gene in mice protects against a particular iinfluenza viru strain? You ask if the isg15 decreases influenza viral replication. You want to silence the expression of the isg15 gene in cells, and you only need the gene silence for a short time (24-48hours). What is the fastest method you would use to silence the isg15 gene?

A) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the isg15 gene

B) Make a ecombinant DNA molecule conyaining the isg15 gene that can be expressed in mouse cells

C) Use homologous recombination to knock out the isg15 gene and then grow up those cells

D) Use a short interfering (si)RNA to the isg15 gene

E) Use a microarray to look at the isg15 levels

3- A mutation in the TATA box would:

A) allow more transcription factors to bind to the DNA

B) prevent RNA polymerase from bindng to the DNA

C) prevent alternative spilcing

D) Mutate the silencer sequence of the DNA

E) Allow RNA polymerase to start transcription

4- If a genes template strand's DNA sequence is 3'-TGA-5', the codon sequence is ___ and the anticodon sequence is ___.

A) 5'-ACU-3' and 3'-UGA-5'

B) 5'-ACT-3' and 3'-TGA-5'

C)5'-UGA-3' and 3'-ACU-5'

D)5'-ACU-3' and 3'-ACU-5'

E)5'-UGA-3' and 3'-UGA-5'

Please help and explain why! Thanks!!

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
13 Jul 2019
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