
What type of organisms are responsible for the production of most of the oxygen on Earth?

What molecule is the source of the electrons in the electron transport chain?

What molecule is the source of the oxygen that is released as a byproduct of photosynthesis?

Which of the following is the same thing as a proton?

What molecule is the source of the protons that are used to establish the proton gradient?

What molecule does the electron end up in at the end of the two light reactions (i.e. After Photosystems II and I)?

What is the proton gradient used for?

What does the term ‘carbon fixation’ refer to?

During the light-independent reactions, the Calvin Cycle requires NADPH and ATP. Where does the cell get these molecules?

The product of the light-independent reactions is a molecule called G3P. What does the cell use it for?

What is the overall functiono of photosynthesis; why do cells perform this process?

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
28 Sep 2019

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