1 May 2018

The complete set of reactions carried out by an organism is called:

a. anabolism

b. catabolism

c. metabolism

Value: 2

The breakdown of starch is broken down to glucose is an example of:

a. anabolism

b. catabolism

c. metabolism

Value: 3

For the following statement, determine which description best describes the process: DNA is synthesized from free nucleotides.

a. anabolism

b. catabolism

c. metabolism

Value: 4

Fill in the blank: Catabolic reactions result in the synthesis of molecules of .............via cellular respiration. This is then used to power anabolic reactions.

Value: 5

The energy in organic molecules is released in a series of steps because:

a. it is not possible to release it in a single step.

b. more total energy is released in multiple steps than would be released in a single step

c. less total energy is released in multiple steps than would be released in a single step.

d. more energy can be harvested for cellular use in multiple steps than from a single step.



1-The light reaction of photosynthesis does not include

a. chemiosmosis

b. oxygen liberation

c. glucose synthesis

d. electron transport

Value: 2

Photosynthesis takes place in the membranes of small sacs called

a. thylakoids

b. photosystems

c. stroma

d. photons

Value: 3

During what stage of photosynthesis is O2 produced?

a. the light-dependent reactions involving photosystems I and II

b. carbon fixation

c. the Krebs cycle

d. O2 is not produced during photosynthesis

Value: 4

The pigment molecules responsible for photosynthesis are located in the

a. mitochondria

b. cytoplasm of the cell

c. stroma of the chloroplast

d. thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast

Value: 5

During what stage of photosynthesis are ATP and NADPH converted to ADP + Pi and NADP+?

a. the light-dependent reactions

b. the light-independent reactions

c. both of the above

d. none of the above

Value: 6

What energy-rich organic compound is produced as a result of the Calvin cycle?

a. ATP


c. glucose

d. H2O

Value: 7

During photosynthesis, photons raise electrons to higher energy levels. These excited electrons belong to what compound?

a. water

b. ATP

c. chlorophyll

d. electron transport chain

Value: 8

Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

a. photosynthesis occurs only in autotrophs; cellular respiration occurs only in heterotrophs

b. photosynthesis uses solar energy to convert inorganics to energy-rich organics; respiration breaks down energy-rich organics to synthesize ATP

c. photosynthesis involves the oxidation of glucose; respiration involves the reduction of CO2

d. the primary function of photosynthesis is to use solar energy to synthesize ATP; the primary function of cellular respiration is to break down ATP and release energy

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
4 May 2018
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