22 Mar 2018

How would each of the following scenarios affect the influx of Na+ ions into a typical cell. Provide the simple answer (“Increase” for increased influx of Na+ or “Decrease” for decreased influx), a brief explanation for the answer, and any information sources you consulted to find the answer.

Example: A bunch of gated sodium channels on the cell open simultaneously.

Increase. Fick’s law states that the rate of diffusion will increase with membrane permeability, and opening ion channels will increase permeability. (sources: Fick’s Law on Wikipedia)

1. A large exocytotic vesicle merges with the cell membrane.

2. A nearby cell pumps an excessive amount of Na+ into the extracellular space.

3. Cholesterol gets added to the membrane.

4. Sudden failure of the Na+/K+ pump.

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
23 Mar 2018

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