BIOS 240 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Vehicle Emissions Control, Stoma, Osmoregulation

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Finishing up on lecture about hormone release (richmond"s portion): Posterior pituitary-releases oxytocin invasive presin?-neurons in hypothalamus receiving inputs that release hormones into the blood stream. Pass through portal vessel, into the interioir pit where have these group of cells arranged into glans, dep on which releasing hormone or inhib hormone is secreted from this neurosecreting neurons, certain grp of gland cells will be activated. These releasing hormones will bind to receptors ont hose gland cells. Cause them to syntheize and release a hormone into the blood stream which will then go to various targets. Nepharious axis of releasing hormones activating specific glands within ant pit which will then go on to target other glands of the cells. Neurohormones slide-generalized pic of diff types of gland cells. Don"t memorize all, but explains to us that dep which releasing hormone or inhibiting hormone is activatd by some phys input onto neuron secretory neurons in hypthal.