EDFX173 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Autism Spectrum, Intellectual Disability, Formative Assessment

EDFX173 Lecture Notes Tuesday 10th April 2018
Technology, Differentiation and Gifted and Talented
Learning Intentions – Lecture and Tutorial
- Importance of teaching strategies of differentiation, visible learning and gifted and
talented students and how such strategies impact learning on the classroom, with
students as well as teacher preparation
Success Criteria:
- To have an understanding of Differentiation, visible learning and working with gifted
and talent students and how teachers can apply strategies to enhance student
Teaching styles
- Differentiation
- Thinking Hats
- Multiple Intelligences
- Students with Disability
- Gifted and Talented
- English as a second language students
- Gender
- Challenging behaviours
- Technology
- Motivation
Technology in the Classroom
- Allows some sort of differentiation in the classroom
- Allows students to be where they are
- Every learner in the class is different
- Most important element is relationships with children in the classroom
o Knowing their students profile and delivering the content effectively
- Creating different opportunities for students to learn the same content
Differentiation – planning for all
- Delve into WHY we plan for all
- Familiarise approaches to flexible learning
- One idea is to plan for the middle – this is not quite good enough
Designing to the edges
- Why did teachers use differentiated instruction?
- Because their job is to see students progress and this is not possible without
Who is coming to schools today?
- Students learning a second language
- Students who learn more rapidly/deeply than peers
- Students from non-majority races of cultures
- Students with learning challenges
- Students who are homeless
- Students whose families move often
find more resources at oneclass.com
find more resources at oneclass.com
Document Summary
Importance of teaching strategies of differentiation, visible learning and gifted and talented students and how such strategies impact learning on the classroom, with students as well as teacher preparation. To have an understanding of differentiation, visible learning and working with gifted and talent students and how teachers can apply strategies to enhance student learning. Allows some sort of differentiation in the classroom. Allows students to be where they are. Every learner in the class is different. Most important element is relationships with children in the classroom: knowing their students profile and delivering the content effectively. Creating different opportunities for students to learn the same content. Delve into why we plan for all. One idea is to plan for the middle this is not quite good enough. Because their job is to see students progress and this is not possible without differentiations. Students who learn more rapidly/deeply than peers.