EDFX173 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Problem-Based Learning, Reinforcement, Multiple Choice

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EDFX173 Intensive Notes Sunday 11th February 2018
Why look at learning theories?
- As a teacher, it is important to know how students and adults learn
- It is important to know about neuroscience and the brain and how students learn
- Learning is more than just receiving information transmitted by teachers and
textbooks outdated
- Students actively participating is a better way for them to learn and retain
At the core of everything in teaching is relationships with students. It makes students like
learning more.
The teacher inside the classroom. Self-focus
- Be conscious always what am I projecting to others? Am I positively building my
professional brand.
- What energy am I projecting?
- Go into school with a smile on your face, and know that you have the greatest job in
the orld eause ou a ake a differee i the hilds life ad hae fu doig it.
- It may be helpful to have a binder separated by subject to store all of the handouts,
worksheets, and ideas offered by your cooperating teacher and his/her colleagues.
- Stay focused.
- Build relationship empower all (every age group) that you come into contact with.
- Really listening and not merely hearing what others are sharing. Looking into their
eyes when you are listening. Listen with your eyes and ears.
- Keep a note book, take pictures, watch carefully.
- Ask your supervising teacher what they would like you to do. What space would they
like you to occupy? Would they like you to participate in class activities, help out, or
sit and observe?
The teacher inside the classroom what are you looking for?
- Evidenced based approaches John Hattie
o I.e. learning intentions and success criteria
o How good the teacher is at connecting with the students
o Data walls
- Laguage of isile learig
- De-privatised Classroom
o More than one teacher in the room, or teacher being observed by other
- Technology in the classroom flip teaching, google classroom/sites, youtube use,
BYOD, Smart Boards, teacher/student blogs/forums
o How is the technology used?
- Classroom behaviour management strategies, procedures and systems
o Rewards for good behaviour, detention for misbehaving.
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o Behaviourism based on the belief that people learn through rewards or
o What does the teacher do to bring the class in/out? How does the teacher
interact with the students?
- Collaborative learning spaces
- Use of student data knowing the students whole story
- Differentiation
o How do you teach different students in the class differently?
o How do you use different teaching styles?
o Teachers doing different things on purpose to help different learners.
- Teaching and learning styles
Expert teachers
- Can identify the most important ways in which to represent the subject they teach
- Are proficient at creating optimal classroom climates for teaching
- Monitor leaning and provide feedback
The Four Learning Theories
1. Constructivism Student focused
o Learner builds on personal experience (internal), active & social in the
learning process
o Discovery
o Collaborative group work
o Scaffolding
o Self-guided leaning based on personal experience
o Peer grading/ review
2. Connectivism - Student focused
o Learner is self-directed via learning nodes (content source, people groups)
within network
o Self-directed quest for content
o Sharing con content sources
o Spontaneous learning groups
o Creates knowledge collaboratively
3. Behaviourism Teacher focused
o Learner is passive: leans via external process i.e. positive reinforcement
o Lecture
o Drill and Practice
o Rote learning
o Multiple choice tests
4. Cognitivism Teacher focused
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Document Summary

As a teacher, it is important to know how students and adults learn. It is important to know about neuroscience and the brain and how students learn best. Learning is more than just receiving information transmitted by teachers and textbooks outdated. Students actively participating is a better way for them to learn and retain information. At the core of everything in teaching is relationships with students. Go into school with a smile on your face, and know that you have the greatest job in the (cid:449)orld (cid:271)e(cid:272)ause (cid:455)ou (cid:272)a(cid:374) (cid:373)ake a differe(cid:374)(cid:272)e i(cid:374) the (cid:272)hild(cid:859)s life a(cid:374)d ha(cid:448)e fu(cid:374) doi(cid:374)g it. It may be helpful to have a binder separated by subject to store all of the handouts, worksheets, and ideas offered by your cooperating teacher and his/her colleagues. Build relationship empower all (every age group) that you come into contact with. Really listening and not merely hearing what others are sharing. Looking into their eyes when you are listening.

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