EDFX173 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Neuroplasticity, Yogurt, Procedural Memory

EDFX173 Lecture Notes Tuesday 6th March 2018
Cognitive Theories and Learning
Learning Intentions – Lecture and Tutorial
- Importance of cognitive theories of learning and this impact learning has on the
classroom, students as well as teacher preparation
Success Criteria
- To have an understanding of cognitive learning styles and the impact this has on
teaching and the students learning.
- To reflect upon these cognitive learning styles and observations of the practicum
Cognitive Theories in Learning – MEMORY!!
- How do we learn?
- Working memory – all students come with prior knowledge to your class – build
upon it!
- We need to know how the brains learns to best teach our students!
- Biggest thing in town: Working Memory
o Helping students to learn how to learn
o We need develop kids memory, help them remember things
o What strategies do we give them to help them remember?
Heaps of stategies … ut do they ok? (BOLD, not the best)
- Summarising material
- Underlining and highlighting
- Self testing
- Using keyword Mnemonics
- Self explanations
- Reviewing and re-reading
- Mental images in your head
- Train our students on how to learn NOT WHAT TO LEAN
- Knowing what success looks like – like the sporting field
The leaig ai…
- P71 of your textbook
- Synapses to fire – rote learning etc.
- The brain keeps learning
- Two best-selling books on the brain and leaning
o The Brain that changes itself
▪ Chapter on education
▪ Chapter on the damages of pornography
o Brain Rules
Cognitive Development
- Memory; sensory memory; role of attention/attention span; cognitive overload; role
of long term memory; rote learning; mnemonics; making leaning meaningful;
- I do, you do, we do = direct instruction – working memory – concrete ways of doing
things (Times Tables, spelling, grammar)
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find more resources at oneclass.com
Document Summary
Importance of cognitive theories of learning and this impact learning has on the classroom, students as well as teacher preparation. To have an understanding of cognitive learning styles and the impact this has on teaching and the students learning. To reflect upon these cognitive learning styles and observations of the practicum experience. Working memory all students come with prior knowledge to your class build upon it! We need to know how the brains learns to best teach our students! Heaps of st(cid:396)ategies (cid:271)ut do they (cid:449)o(cid:396)k? (bold, not the best) Train our students on how to learn not what to lean. Knowing what success looks like like the sporting field. Synapses to fire rote learning etc. Two best-selling books on the brain and leaning: the brain that changes itself, chapter on education, chapter on the damages of pornography, brain rules.