EDFX173 Lecture 5: Psychosocial ans Humanism Learning Theories and Emotional Intelligence

EDFX173 Lecture Notes Tuesday 13th March 2018
Psychosocial and Humanism Learning Theories; Emotional Intelligence
Learning Intentions – Lecture and Tutorial
- Importance of Psychosocial Development and Humanism and role of Emotional
Intelligence theories of learning and this impact learning has on the classroom,
students as well as teacher preparation
Success Criteria:
- To have an understanding of Humanism and Psychosocial development learning
theories and the impact this has on teaching and the students learning.
- To reflect upon these learning theories and observations of the practicum
Why do we need to know about Emotional Intelligence?
What are we preparing our students for?
- The Conceptual Age
o People need to be able to think
Importance of Emotional Intelligence in a Conceptual Age
- We need to be teaching students Emotional Intelligence
- Employers will be looking for Emotional Intelligent people
- We need to teach them interaction
- Critical analysis, and critical learning
- Came about because now all this information
- We need creators and empathisers
What is Emotional Intelligence
- Daniel Goldman – Emotional Intelligence
- IQ accounts for only 4-10% of career success. Emotional Intelligence is more
o Being self-aware
o Resilience
o Getting along with others
o Social skills
o Self-aware
- Four clusters of Emotional Intelligence
o Self-Awareness
o Self-Management
▪ Anger management
▪ Organisation etc.
o Social Awareness
o Social Skills
- Daniel Pink argues that the conceptual age will need:
o Design
▪ Making things look pretty
▪ E.g. iPhone
o Story
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▪ People want to buy into a story
▪ E.g. $1 of what you spend is going towards a fund
o Symphony
o Empathy
o Play
o Meaning
Emotional Intelligence
- We are eig judged as e ardstik; ot just ho sart e are, or our
training ad epertise, ut also ho ell e hadle ourseles ad eah other
- How can we bring out the best in our students?
- Ad so theres a real pa-off. The people who will become the leaders, the people
who will become the star performers, are the ones who have the strengths in the
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Emotional Intelligence Quiz
Human and Psychosocial Development
- Chapter 4 of the textbook
- Psychosocial
o Erik Erikson (psychosocial development and learning)
o Maslos Hierarh of Needs
- Humanism
o Carl Rogers (person-centred education)
o Paulo Freire (radical democratic dialogue education)
Erik Erikson (1902-1994)
- Influenced by Freud
- Learning occurs through progressive life stages that incorporate considering the
hole perso
- Holistic education – as eduators e eed to eet to studets ider eed for
personal and community fulfilment
- Learning is grounded in the phrases of psychosocial development
o We have to understand the phases to understand how students learn
o 8 phases.
o What motivates humans? What makes them make the decisions they do?
o Trust vs Mistrust – babies until 18months
o Autonomy vs Shame – 18mths to 3 years
o Initiative vs Guilt – 3 to 5
o Industry vs Inferiority – 5 to 12
o Identity vs Role Confusion – 12 to 18
o Intimacy vs Isolation – 18 to 40
o Generativity vs Stagnation – 40 – 65
o Ego Integrity vs Despair – 65+
- This development occurs progressively across our lifetime
- Distinct phrase
- Each development phase involves a crisis or task
o Util risis is leart or resoled, ou ot oe o
Eriksos Turig Poits
- Development occurs in critical moments in which we move towards either:
o Greater strength or adjustment, or
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Document Summary
Importance of psychosocial development and humanism and role of emotional. Intelligence theories of learning and this impact learning has on the classroom, students as well as teacher preparation. To have an understanding of humanism and psychosocial development learning theories and the impact this has on teaching and the students learning. To reflect upon these learning theories and observations of the practicum experience. The conceptual age: people need to be able to think. Importance of emotional intelligence in a conceptual age. We need to be teaching students emotional intelligence. Employers will be looking for emotional intelligent people. Came about because now all this information. Iq accounts for only 4-10% of career success. Emotional intelligence is more important: being self-aware, resilience, getting along with others, social skills, self-aware. Four clusters of emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-management, anger management, organisation etc, social awareness, social skills.