EDFX173 Lecture 6: Taxonomies and Multiple Intelligences
EDFX173 Lecture Notes Tuesday 20th March 2018
Learning Intentions
- Importance of teaching strategies (multiple intelligences, taxonomies, gender on
teaching strategies) and this impact learning has on the classroom, students as well
as teacher preparation
Success Criteria
- To have an understanding of a variety of teaching strategies and the impact this has
on teaching and the students learning
Teaching Strategies
- Direct instruction
- Explicit teaching
- Technology in the classroom
o Flip teaching
▪ Recording your lesson so absent students can catch up
o Google-classroom
o Goolgesites,
o YouTube channels, MicroTEAMS
- PBL – Problem Based Learning – Collaborative Learning
- Cooperative learning
- Visible Learning Strategies
o Hattie effect sizes
o 5,4,3,2,1 exercise
- Multiple Intelligences
- Taxonomies
- Differentiation
o What does the teacher do to make sure all students of all levels can learn?
- Learning taxonomies are commonly utilised as a way of describing different kinds of
learning behaviours and characteristics that we assist our students to develop
o Surface learning
o Deep learning
o Transitional learning
- Identify different stages of learning development
- Useful tools in distinguishing the appropriate of particular leaning outcomes for
particular levels
- Assist to develop critical and creative thinking
- Help to focus learning intentions and success criteria
- Help to differentiate students
Which taxonomies?
- Bloom’s
- Fink’s
- Marzano
Bloom’s Taxonomy
- Remember
Document Summary
Importance of teaching strategies (multiple intelligences, taxonomies, gender on teaching strategies) and this impact learning has on the classroom, students as well as teacher preparation. To have an understanding of a variety of teaching strategies and the impact this has on teaching and the students learning. Technology in the classroom: flip teaching, recording your lesson so absent students can catch up, google-classroom, goolgesites, youtube channels, microteams. Pbl problem based learning collaborative learning. Visible learning strategies: hattie effect sizes, 5,4,3,2,1 exercise. Learning taxonomies are commonly utilised as a way of describing different kinds of learning behaviours and characteristics that we assist our students to develop: surface learning, deep learning, transitional learning. Useful tools in distinguishing the appropriate of particular leaning outcomes for particular levels. Assist to develop critical and creative thinking. Help to focus learning intentions and success criteria. Remember: recall facts and basic concepts. Apply: use information in new situations. Evaluate: justify a stand or decision.