EDFX173 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Big Bang, Operant Conditioning, John Dewey

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EDFX173 Lecture Notes Tuesday 27th February 2018
Importance of reflective practice
- Reflection is a key component to crafting your teaching style
- Grounded in John Dewey
o Reflection is important to cement the learning
- “hapes oes aility to take real life experience and derive higher meaning
- Reflection helps take newly gained knowledge and apply it to different situations to
solve problems
- Did you see ay pra teaher reflet upo their lesso? Their studets learig?
Why look at learning theories?
- As a teaher it is iportat to ko ho studets/adults lear
o metacognition
- It is important to know about neuroscience and the brain and how students learn
- Learning is more than just receiving information transmitted by teachers and
textbooks outdated
- Students actively participate in their own personal construction of knowledge we
are not machines
- Todays elief is that eery studet a e suessful i their o ay
Learning Theories: Behaviourism
Behavioural views on learning
- Neuroscience of behavioural learning
- Starting with Pavlov
o Palos Dog. “a that he he rag the ell for the dogs dier the dog
would salivate.
- Reinforcement
o Well doe, great ork, good on your for answering the question, great
aser – popular phrases relating to behaviourism
- Extinction and Punishment
o Detention?
- Negative reinforcement/accidental teaching
o Negatiely reiforig soethig that ist supposed to happe
o E.g. a kid mucks up because he wants attention, which he receives through
mum and dad being contacted
- Classical conditioning
- Criticism and Behaviourism
- Summary
- E.g. students lining up outside until invited in and being made to stand behind their
chairs until invited to sit.
- Learning is best understood by what you can observe (i.e. behaviour) rather than
internal thought patterns (cognition)
- Leaning is shaped by the environment in which the learning takes place: it is this, not
the individual learner, that defines what is learnt
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Document Summary

Reflection is a key component to crafting your teaching style. Grounded in john dewey: reflection is important to cement the learning. Hapes o(cid:374)e(cid:859)s a(cid:271)ility to take real life experience and derive higher meaning. Reflection helps take newly gained knowledge and apply it to different situations to solve problems. As a tea(cid:272)her it is i(cid:373)porta(cid:374)t to k(cid:374)o(cid:449) ho(cid:449) stude(cid:374)ts(cid:859)/adults lear(cid:374: metacognition. It is important to know about neuroscience and the brain and how students learn best. Learning is more than just receiving information transmitted by teachers and textbooks outdated. Students actively participate in their own personal construction of knowledge we are not machines. Today(cid:859)s (cid:271)elief is that e(cid:448)ery stude(cid:374)t (cid:272)a(cid:374) (cid:271)e su(cid:272)(cid:272)essful i(cid:374) their o(cid:449)(cid:374) (cid:449)ay. A(cid:449) that (cid:449)he(cid:374) he ra(cid:374)g the (cid:271)ell for the dog(cid:859)s di(cid:374)(cid:374)er the dog would salivate. Reinforcement: (cid:862)well do(cid:374)e, great (cid:449)ork, good on your for answering the question, great a(cid:374)s(cid:449)er(cid:863) popular phrases relating to behaviourism.

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