BIO 3124 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Edward Jenner, Mycobacterium Leprae, Common Cold

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30 Jul 2016

Document Summary

Chapter 1: the history and scope of microbiology: Organisms are divided into five kingdoms: monera, protista, fungi, animalia, and plantae. Microorganisms (with the exception of viruses were placed into the first three kingdoms which are in bold) In 1970s a man named carl woese who studied the comparison of ribosomal rna demonstrated that there are infact two different groups of prokaryotic organisms: bacteria and archea, which had been classified as one in the kingdom monera. Later it was discovered that even the kingdom protista should be split into three. Taxonomists decided that this five-kingdom classification system is too simple. Microbiologists suggestes that organisms should be split into 3 main domins: bacteria, archaea, and. Bacteria: are prokaryotes that are usually single celled organisms. Bacteria are found everywhere, even in some extreme environments. Some bacteria cause disease and death, whereas others play a more beneficial role helping human-kind sustain the ecosystem. Most bacteria are found to have peptidoglycan on their cell walls.