BIO 3124 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Great Famine (Ireland), Dark Field Microscopy, Roger Stanier

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27 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Bio3124 chapter 1 the history and scope of microbiology. Microbes contain 50% of biological carbon & 90% of nitrogen on earth. Very important for the functioning of the biosphere. Roles of microbes: source of nutrients, photosynthesis plants, help body digest food & produce vitamin b & k humans, produce bread, cheese, beer, antibiotics, vaccines, vitamins, enzymes. Microbiology study of organisms too small to be seen clearly by the unaided eye, the study of microorganisms (smaller than 1mm) Exception* - some eukaryotic microbes are visible without microscopes: bread molds, algae, thiomargarita, epulopiscium. Defining features of microorganisms: important characteristic of microorganisms they are simple in their construction, lack highly differentiated cells/tissues, techniques of microbiology (roger stanier) . Prokaryotic cells organisms with a primordial nucleus, simpler than eukaryotic, lack true membrane-delimited nucleus. Eukaryotic cells membrane enclosed nucleus, more complex, larger than prokaryotes. 5 kingdoms of organization: 1) monera, 2) protista, 3) fungi, 4) animalia, 5) plantae.